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All The Shades Of Grey

Blurred Photo of a Couple Touching Hands

I remember that moment like it were yesterday. We were sitting on one of the many cool benches in the India Habitat Centre courtyard. Foliage whispered in the cool Delhi November air around us as evening slowly transformed into night. I could feel the cold floor steady beneath my feet but inside me, everything was swirling. I had started dating again, after a long gap, in my thirties. As a single mum with a painful history of relationships, dating was not easy for me. Most men were more willing to take than to give, to receive more than I was ready to provide, and yet be less present for me. I was becoming aware of the uncomfortable truth that my body and attractiveness were both a blessing and a hindrance. Most men were unable to look at the person in this body. But in that faraway moment years ago, the man sitting next to me did something so tender, so profound, that something inside me shifted. Perhaps he had sensed my awkwardness and the stress that seemed to seep out of my body. He placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and pressed it lightly. “You don’t have to do anything just because we’re here on a date. You don’t owe me anything. It’s okay to just sit here and talk.” I heaved a soft sigh of relief and gently pressed his hand back.

When I look back at that moment, I feel gratitude for that kind man for saying something I badly needed to hear. I also feel a strange sense of anger that it took a man to make me feel like I had autonomy over my body in romantic settings, that I could also refuse to be intimate with someone, that I didn’t owe it to any man to allow touch unless I myself wanted it, was ready for it. What angers me more, is that intellectually I was aware of what consent should look, sound and feel like. I had been taught the concept during Sexuality Counselling Skills training with TARSHI; I had even taught the concept myself to young people in schools and colleges. Yet here I was, a grown woman breathing a sigh of relief when a man said I didn’t have to do anything I didn’t feel like doing. There is a part of me that still experiences shame at these thoughts. But there’s another part of me that can see the hazy web of events, complex histories and relationships that can either make us feel at home in or a stranger to our bodies, that shape the way we understand our own needs and desires and give us a voice we can use when it comes to consent, especially as women.

When you’re raised in an environment that makes you feel like your body is a source of shame, that it has to be covered because it could ‘provoke’ staring, comments or worse, you learn to hide it well and to not love it as a part of who you are. When you’re also raised to align your actions and thoughts to the convenience of the men around you so that the home stays peaceful, you also learn to subdue your own discomfort. You learn that in order to be loved and liked, you must do what pleases them, be it dressing ‘modestly’ as a daughter or giving in to sex as a wife even when you are tired or sick. It’s like your own inner GPS loses its voice and your actions are guided by those around you – their wants, needs and desires always paramount. The same phenomenon teaches boys and men to not notice a woman’s discomfort unless it is very obvious and loud. And even then, used as they are to be accommodated, they try to cajole, persuade, convince and demand. The memory I mention at the beginning of this article is significant for me not because of the association with the man or how the relationship developed. It is important because it made what had been a vague idea in my mind clear to me in an embodied manner – my body sensed its autonomy so clearly that what it was feeling was no longer something that had to be disregarded, even by my own self.

This is why it is so difficult to teach consent when it comes to sexuality. No amount of intellectual learning can shape our understanding of who we are and what we can allow ourselves, or others, as powerfully as lived experience. This is also why memories are so powerful for human beings, because memories are neural pathways in the brain that connect to the body. Every time the pathway lights up, our body is back to when it first experienced a moment. I came to realise the truth of this complex reality more strongly through my experience of parenting. As a sexuality educator and abuse survivor, I have tried to speak to my son as freely as I could about sexuality, body safety and, as he grew up, consent. We explored talking about boundaries, recognising discomfort and saying no when the need arose. But teaching a boy that his body belonged to him also meant giving him the space to decide what to wear, what to use on his body and how to conduct relationships with his elders. You see, consent though broadly understood as pertaining to the realm of the sexual is not merely sexual. It extends itself to all kinds of interactions and decisions we make.

Encouraging my child to develop the critical skills with which to decide who he wanted to hug, who he was okay playing with, what clothes he disliked or liked wearing also meant facing a lot of judgment from close family who would interpret a child’s saying ‘no’ as lack of respect. In conventional family settings where you share space with others and cannot confront the people you love every day, consent, be it your child or yourself choosing or rejecting something, is a tightrope walk. The lack of tools and habits to directly communicate delicate thoughts without setting off reactions makes everyone learn camouflage as a way to survive. There was so much I was doing as a parent that challenged my family’s notions of what was decent and socially appropriate. Talking about relationships, discussing religious ideas instead of mindlessly following them, respecting people based on who showed kindness rather than just on their age, and, of course, having a (secret, until very recently) romantic life – all these were things that were frowned upon. I would have liked to do all of this openly, through dialogue and mutual support but a lot of times I had to work my way around things through selective sharing and omission, both of which made me feel suffocated and hypocritical. My family was and continues to be supportive in many ways but it took years of resistance, both quiet and vocal, to reach grudging middle ground. I know of so many others who have learned to hide their true feelings from family members, or taken up things they want to do with their work, studies or relationships in secret, because disagreement with family is often met with shaming, anger, exclusion, withdrawal of resources, or worse.

Even as I continued to teach my son what I felt was appropriate for his safety and for the safety of those around him, I wasn’t prepared for how difficult it would be to navigate seemingly simple issues like insisting on not using sunscreen, or wanting a tattoo and dating before he was sixteen, or even curfew time and home-schooling. The flip side of raising strong children is that drawing boundaries as parents becomes messy. Very few of us have any training in how to encourage self-expression or choice in our children while making sure they make decisions both appropriate and safe for their age and stage of life. I feel that there can be no ‘training’ in these areas. There can be learning and sharing or perhaps boundaries around non-negotiable issues or what these issues will even be. But even this takes time where life unfolds in non-linear ways and learning is composed of many failures, hurts and repeated forgiveness of self and others. None of us comes prepared beforehand with what we will be willing or unwilling to live with in terms of our relationships. Life teaches us what we can and cannot endure.

I feel this most intensely when I work with couples as a relationship counsellor. What is self-preservation for one is rejection for the other. What is affection for one is asking for too much for the other. What is sex for one is demand for the other. And all of this, and more, is shaped by how both partners were raised, how they learned to express and withhold, show affection and engage in conflict, feel accepted and deny that acceptance to someone else. Even when the problems a couple may be experiencing seem to stem from having very different styles of touching and approaching lovemaking, it is never just that. Most Indian couples also come from backgrounds where there still isn’t a clear sense of using language around intimacy, touch, and needs in general. Unless people have known each other closely for a long time (something that isn’t common for a lot of couples), discovering what the sexual space can hold for them often means going through painful experiences. And pain has a way of solidifying over time. By the time couples reach a counsellor, they have used the weapons of silence, withdrawal, rage and blame on each other so much that the wounds run deep. But in many cases, commitment, counselling and healing work lead to beautiful reconnections.

If someone like me, trained in the language of expression and desire, as well as asking for permission and receiving feedback, could take so long to come into her own as a woman who can now separate the past from the present as she responds to a partner, time is something that probably everyone needs. We have to allow ourselves and each other that when possible and appropriate. The language of consent is a powerful tool that we can use to feel heard, felt and seen. But language can be a limiting thing when it alone is considered to be the marker of success or failure in intimate spaces. Sometimes we get stuck on what is said and fail to notice what is done in relationships. At other times, denial of a need, request, or crossing of one boundary can make us feel like the entire relationship has lost its value. Especially in this day and age when it is easier to move away from families of birth or marriage and create families of choice, it can be tempting to hastily ghost someone, break off friendships or stop connecting. There is always someone else available. But authentic, real relationships are hard to create and none of them can be sanitised in a way that we accept only that which appeals to us and entirely do away with the uncomfortable or awkward. This in no way means that we accept repeated pain or abuse in any form, but that we become aware of what can be revised and improved. I am wary of the recent trend to reduce everything to green and red flags without being cognisant of nuance or context because I feel that it sets impossible standards for us and takes away depth from relationships. Human experiences are far more complex, messy, subtle and nuanced for us to decide what is or isn’t a worthy experience based on single incidents. In as much as we stay protected from violence of all kinds, relationships will continue to evolve if lived with the desire to learn, unlearn, forgive and repair, be it in therapy spaces or in our homes.

Cover Image by Senoka on Pexels