A digital magazine on sexuality, based in the Global South: We are working towards cultivating safe, inclusive, and self-affirming spaces in which all individuals can express themselves without fear, judgement or shame
मां बनने के बाद से आत्म-देखभाल पर मेरे नज़रिये में बहुत बदलाव आया है। एक अभिभावक की भूमिका निभाते हुए और उसकी चुनौतियों का सामना करते हुए अपना ख़्याल कैसे रखा जा सकता है?
Just as capitalism has learned how to co-opt feminism into its model, it has done the same to ‘wellness’, so much so it has become an industry of its own. Mental wellbeing, no matter how necessary and important it is, remains a luxury with more than half of our country either unaware of available mental health resources or not in a position to even afford therapy.
यह सही है कि खुद के व्यक्तित्व को सँवारने के लिए हम जो कुछ भी कोशिशें करते हैं, उन पर बहुत हद तक हमारे सामाजिक वर्ग, जाति, धर्म, यौनिकता के रुझानों और दूसरे कई कारक प्रभाव डालते हैं।
An experimental haircut, trying on a new pair of earrings, a bright lip colour, or even wearing a skirt when your legs aren’t waxed and walking confidently down the street: these are revolutionary acts of self-care and self-love.
I recently had the wonderful opportunity of attending the seven-day Sexuality, Gender and Rights Institute (SGRI)* organised by Delhi-based organisation…