The trouble with the of the origin of families is that no one knows – Kathleen Gough In her 1971…
“Was I ever crazy? Maybe. Or maybe life is… Crazy isn’t being broken or swallowing a dark secret. It’s you…
What does it mean to be a woman? Are you born one, or as Simone De Beauvoir writes in The…
Remember the ‘first time’? And probably, you, like many of us, were plagued by fears of ‘What if…?’ But instead…
“Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise that I dance like I have diamonds at the…
We are one year old! Yes, In Plainspeak has been publishing articles from around the Global South, especially India and…
Movement. Stillness. Travel. Free flow. Restrictions. Borders. Us and Them. Movement takes us closer to our destinations and sometimes forced…
“The writer cannot be a mere storyteller; he cannot be a mere teacher; he cannot merely X-ray society’s weaknesses, its…
[slideshow_deploy id=’3852′] Women have historically engaged in sporting events, very often fighting dominant stereotypes and stigma to do so. But…
Sports and Sexuality: many who hear the two terms together wonder how they are connected and what sexuality has got…
What can persons with disability do and not do? Can they have sex? Should they have sex? However well-intentioned they…
Art has the potential of reaching out to wide and diverse audiences and speaks to them in different ways. Therein…
Sheema Kermani is a cultural activist, theatre practitioner, theatre director and a known Pakistani exponent of Indian classical dance. She had studied Bharatanatyam…
Is Law restrictive and limiting or can it be liberating and provide people a sense of agency when it comes…