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February & March: Consent and Sexuality
Consent means agreeing, freely and voluntarily, to engage in an activity, like sex. Often, it gets complicated by power differences attributable to ability, class, caste, employment status, gender, and other factors operating singly or as a composite. Who is asking? Who is being asked? Do they understand what they are saying yes or no to? What if they change their mind midway? Will there be negative repercussions for withholding consent? Or, if they are women, for actively consenting, because “good girls always say no”? These are some questions that immediately spring to mind. There are also issues particular to South Asia, like arranged marriage, child and early marriage, and the lack of legal recognition of marital rape. In our culture, where respect for elders and obedience are paramount, consent is not seen as a significant value. How does disregarding consent affect us not only in our intimate relationships but also in other spheres like the workplace, cyberspace (e.g. social media) and public spaces (e.g. on the streets)? In what ways does it affect people’s understanding of boundaries, respect, and sexual rights? How do we build a culture of consent that is Safe, Inclusive, and Self-Affirming (SISA) for all people? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we explore all this, and more.

फ़रवरी और मार्च – सहमति और यौनिकता
सहमति का मतलब है किसी भी गतिविधि, जैसी की सेक्स, में शामिल होने के लिए स्वतंत्र और स्वेच्छा से राज़ी होना। अक्सर, शारीरिक-मानसिक क्षमता, वर्ग, जाति, रोज़गार की स्थिति, जेंडर और सत्ता निर्धारित करने वाले अन्य कारक, जो अकेले या समग्र रूप से संचालित होते हैं, सहमति पर असर डालते हैं। इसकी वजह से यह प्रक्रिया जटिल हो जाती है। कौन पूछ रहा है? किससे पूछा जा रहा है? क्या वे समझते हैं कि वे किस बात के लिए हां या ना कह रहे हैं? क्या होगा अगर वे बीच में अपना मन बदल लें? क्या सहमति न देने के नकारात्मक नतीजे होंगे? या, अगर वे महिलाएँ हैं, तो सक्रिय रूप से सहमति देने के लिए उनको बुरा माना जायेगा, क्योंकि “अच्छे घर की लड़कियाँ हमेशा मना करती हैं”? ये कुछ ऐसे सवाल हैं जो तुरंत दिमाग़ में आते हैं। दक्षिण एशिया के संधर्ब में कुछ ख़ास मुद्दे भी हैं, जैसे कि अरेंज मैरिज यानी व्यवस्थित शादी, बाल और कम उम्र में विवाह, और वैवाहिक बलात्कार की क़ानूनी मान्यता का अभाव। हमारी संस्कृति में, जहाँ बड़े-बुज़ुर्गों के प्रति सम्मान और आज्ञाकारिता सर्वोपरि है, सहमति को एक महत्वपूर्ण मूल्य के रूप में नहीं देखा जाता है। सहमति की अवहेलना न केवल हमारे अंतरंग संबंधों में बल्कि कार्यस्थल, डिजिटल दुनिया (जैसे सोशल मीडिया) और सार्वजनिक स्थानों (जैसे सड़कों पर) जैसे अन्य क्षेत्रों में भी हमें कैसे प्रभावित करती है? यह लोगों की सीमाओं, सम्मान और यौनिक अधिकारों की समझ को कैसे असर करता है? हम सहमति की ऐसी संस्कृति कैसे बना सकते हैं जो सभी लोगों के लिए सुरक्षित, समावेशी और आत्म-पुष्टि-अनुकूल हो? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम यह सब, और इसके अलावा बहुत कुछ, पता लगाने वाले हैं।



April-May: Masculinities and Sexuality

Masculinities broadly refers to the sets of attributes, behaviours, and expectations commonly associated with men or ‘male power’ in a given culture. Masculinities are not performed only by people with male-assigned bodies. They vary across time and factors such as caste, class, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and so on, and are not fixed and unchangeable. There is a whole spectrum of masculinities from those that may be affirming to those that may be considered ‘toxic’. Different kinds of masculinities interact and even come into conflict with each other, with some forms being considered more powerful, hegemonic, central or idealised, and others more subordinate or marginalised, in any given location. How do they play out in terms of their development and expression in relation to sexuality? What factors produce certain kinds of masculinities – is it experiences during growing up, peer pressure, role-models, or popular culture that are influencing factors? Are there differences in the public and private performance and experience of masculinities with regard to sexuality? This issue of In Plainspeak looks at the fascinating (and sometimes frightening) interplay of masculinities and sexuality.

अलग-अलग तरह की मर्दानगी और यौनिकता

मोटे तौर से मर्दानगी का अर्थ उन विशेषताओं, व्यवहारों और अपेक्षाओं से है जिसे आम तौर पर किसी भी संस्कृति में पुरुषों या ‘पुरुष शक्ति’ के साथ जोड़कर देखा जाता है। मर्दानगी केवल पुरुष-शरीर वाले लोगों द्वारा ही नहीं दिखाई जाती। ये समय और जाति, वर्ग, जातीयता, यौनिक रुझान आदि जैसे कारकों के अनुसार बदलती रहती है, और ऐसा नहीं है कि यह स्थिर है और इसे बदला नहीं जा सकता। अलग-अलग तरह की मर्दानगी की एक पूरी श्रृंखला (स्पेक्ट्रम) है, जिसमें से कुछ को सकारात्मक माना जा सकता है और कुछ को ‘विषाक्त (टॉक्सिक)’ माना जा सकता है। अलग-अलग तरह की मर्दानगी की प्रवृत्तियाँ आपस में जुड़ी होती हैं और एक-दूसरे के साथ टकराव में भी होती हैं, जिसमें किसी भी स्थान पर कुछ रूपों को अधिक शक्तिशाली, प्रभुत्वशाली, मुख्य या आदर्श माना जाता है, जबकि अन्य को कम महत्वपूर्ण या हाशिए पर माना जाता है। यौनिकता के संबंध में अलग-अलग तरह की मर्दानगी अपने विकास और अभिव्यक्ति के संदर्भ में किन तरीकों से प्रकट होती है?  कौन से कारक हैं जो विशेष प्रकार की मर्दानगी के विकास में योगदान करते हैं – क्या बच्चों के बड़े होने के दौरान होने वाले अनुभव, साथियों का दबाव, रोल मॉडल और लोकप्रिय संस्कृति ऐसे कारक हैं जिनका प्रभाव पड़ता है? यौनिकता के संबंध में देखें तो मर्दानगी सार्वजनिक और निजी तौर पर कैसी नज़र आती है और कैसे अनुभव की जाती है, क्या इसमें अंतर है? इन प्लेनस्पीक का यह अंक अलग-अलग तरह की मर्दानगी और यौनिकता के आकर्षक (और कभी-कभी भयावह) परस्पर संबंधों को देखता है।

June-July: Language and Sexuality
August-September: Climate Change and Sexuality

A remote landscape with mountain peaks and a few trees. There is a yellow windmill and a small path leading up to it. The sky is a shade of green-blue and the landscape is largely shades of green apart from the windmill.

January: Anthology Issue
Another year! Even though there does not seem to be much to celebrate in most parts of the world, the fact is that we are still alive. And that itself gives occasion for celebration and also for thinking out of the box and doing things differently because the ‘same old, same old’ has not made the world a kinder, gentler place where each of us is valued for who we are. Perhaps, it’s time to think about going off the beaten path, and so, for the 2025 Anthology Issue of In Plainspeak we have curated a selection of previously published articles that do just that. Happy New Year!


December: Parents, Teachers and CSE
Answering questions that children ask about sexuality can be a fraught experience for parents and teachers. And then adolescence brings even more complex concerns arising from the mesh of teenagers’ own experiences, their search for personhood and identity, stories they hear from their friends, mis/information gleaned from social media and Internet ‘research’, all blanketed under the societal taboo of not addressing issues of sexuality fearlessly and joyously. What do parents, teachers and other adults concerned about young people do? They may themselves not know enough and feel ill-prepared to share accurate information that would allow young people to take control and agency over their sexual and reproductive health and wellbeing. What are their resources for Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) and what challenges do they face while implementing it? How can sexuality educators create Safe, Inclusive, and Self-Affirming (SISA) spaces to enable non-judgmental and open conversations about sexuality with young people? What are the new avenues of CSE, especially in the context of digital spaces and content creators? Is there space for sexuality educators to explore their own doubts and feelings about gender, sex, and sexuality? This issue of In Plainspeak explores CSE from the perspective of parents and teachers.

दिसंबर – अभिभावक, शिक्षक, और सी.इस.ई.
यौनिकता के बारे में बच्चों द्वारा पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों का उत्तर देना अभिभावकों और शिक्षकों के लिए एक कठिन अनुभव हो सकता है। किशोरावस्था और भी जटिल चिंताएँ लेकर आती है जो लोगों के अपने अनुभवों, उनके व्यक्तित्व और पहचान की खोज, उनके दोस्तों से सुनी गई कहानियों, एवं सोशल मीडिया और इंटरनेट ‘शोध’ से प्राप्त गलत/सूचना के मिश्रण से उत्पन्न होती हैं। ये सभी यौनिकता के मुद्दों को निडरता और ख़ुशी से संबोधित न करने की सामाजिक वर्जना के तहत ढकी हुई हैं। युवा लोगों के बारे में चिंतित अभिभावक, शिक्षक और अन्य वयस्क क्या कर सकते हैं? हो सकता है कि वे स्वयं पर्याप्त जानकारी न रखते हों और सटीक जानकारी साझा करने के लिए तैयार न हों – जो युवा लोगों को उनके यौन और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य और ख़ुशहाली पर नियंत्रण और एजेंसी लेने की अनुमति देगी। व्यापक यौनिकता शिक्षा (CSE) के लिए लोगों के संसाधन क्या हैं और इसे लागू करते समय उन्हें किन चुनौतियों का सामना करना पड़ता है? यौनिकता शिक्षक युवा लोगों के साथ यौनिकता के बारे में गैर-आलोचनात्मक और खुली बातचीत को सक्षम करने के लिए सुरक्षित, समावेशी और आत्म-पुष्टि के अनुकूल (SISA) स्थान कैसे बना सकते हैं? CSE के नए रास्ते क्या हैं, ख़ासकर डिजिटल दुनिया और ऑनलाइन कंटेंट क्रिएटर्स (सामग्री निर्माता) के संदर्भ में? क्या यौनिकता शिक्षकों के लिए जेंडर, सेक्स और यौनिकता के बारे में अपनी शंकाओं और भावनाओं को समझने के लिए जगह है? इन प्लेनस्पीक का यह अंक अभिभावकों और शिक्षकों के नज़रिए से सी.एस.ई. को देखेगा।

October & November: Gender and Sexuality
It is a common tendency to confuse sex for gender and gender for sex, to think of them as synonyms and use the terms interchangeably. This gets compounded when we add sexuality to the mix. The distinctions between the biological and the sociological get blurred, obliterating the complex processes and identities that the umbrella terms ‘gender’ and ‘sexuality’ cover. Gender and sexuality are certainly related, but they are different as well. The ‘inextricable’ link between the two is a societal construction that aims to simplify and control them by dividing them across an artificial binary that does not hold true in the lived realities of actual breathing, feeling, acting individuals. How is gender experienced, expressed, performed and regulated, and how can we look at it beyond the binary, especially in conjunction with sexuality? What are the ways in which gender inequality and sexism affect women as well as other marginalised groups, especially in the context of sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights? How do power and privilege play out in the realm/s of gender and sexuality? How important are safe, inclusive, and self-affirming spaces when it comes to the intersections of gender and sexuality? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we will look at all this and more.

अक्टूबर और नवंबर – जेंडर और यौनिकता
सेक्स को जेंडर और जेंडर को सेक्स मानना, उन्हें समानार्थी समझना और उनका अदल-बदल उपयोग करना एक आम प्रवृत्ति है। जब हम इसमें यौनिकता को जोड़ देते हैं तो यह और भी जटिल हो जाता है। जैविक और सामाजिक के बीच के अंतर धुंधले हो जाते हैं, जिससे पेचीदा प्रक्रियाएँ और पहचानें मिट जाती हैं जिन्हें ‘जेंडर’ और ‘यौनिकता’ शब्द व्यक्त करते हैं। जेंडर और यौनिकता निश्चित रूप से संबंधित हैं, लेकिन वे अलग भी हैं। दोनों के बीच का ‘अविभाज्य’ जोड़ एक सामाजिक निर्माण है जिसका उद्देश्य उन्हें एक कृत्रिम बाइनरी में विभाजित करके सरल बनाना और नियंत्रित करना है जो वास्तविक सांस लेने, महसूस करने, आम लोगों की वास्तविकताओं से मेल नहीं खाता है। जेंडर का अनुभव, अभिव्यक्ति, प्रदर्शन और विनियमन कैसे किया जाता है, और हम इसे द्विआधारी ढांचे से बाहर कैसे देख सकते हैं, ख़ासकर यौनिकता के साथ? जेंडर असमानता और लैंगिकतावाद महिलाओं के साथ-साथ अन्य हाशिए पर जी रहे समूहों को किस तरह प्रभावित करते हैं, ख़ासकर यौनिकता और यौन एवं प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य और अधिकारों के संदर्भ में? जेंडर और यौनिकता के क्षेत्र में सत्ता और विशेषाधिकार कैसे काम करते हैं? जेंडर और यौनिकता के बीच के अंतरसंबंधों की बात करें तो सुरक्षित, समावेशी और आत्म-पुष्टि करने वाले स्थान कितने महत्वपूर्ण हैं? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम इन सभी और अन्य बातों पर नज़र डालेंगे।

August & September: Workplaces and Sexuality
An office, a farm, a factory, a house, a brothel, a film studio, a digital platform – any of these and more, could be a workplace. They are places where work is done and they are also places where friendships are struck up, romances bloom, break-ups happen, harassment and violence occur. Sexuality may be accepted, celebrated, derided, embraced, exploited, and/or villainised (add your own words here) in workplaces. For some, they may be a place where people can be their authentic selves, for some they may be a refuge from violence at home, and for some others they may be a mundane ordeal to endure in return for a regular salary. Just as much as workplaces can provide a sense of camaraderie, they can also highlight and heighten disparities based on class, caste, gender and sexual expression and identity, religion, disability, and other factors. How are workplaces and sexuality connected and how do we navigate power, agency and consent in them? What makes a workplace safe, inclusive and self-affirming? At the basic physical level, are our needs taken into account – be it safe-to-use toilets for everyone, accessible ramps, or security systems for workers? At a socio-emotional level, how are people treated? Do diversity, equity and inclusion exist only as policies or do they manifest in hiring, retention, promotion and recognition/reward practices? In this issue of In Plainspeak we explore these and other questions about the positive possibilities of workplaces in connection with sexuality.

अगस्त और सितम्बरकार्यस्थल और यौनिकता
एक कार्यालय, एक खेत, एक कारख़ाना, एक घर, एक वेश्यालय, एक फ़िल्म स्टूडियो, एक डिजिटल प्लेटफ़ॉर्म – इनमें से कोई भी या और कुछ, एक कार्यस्थल हो सकता है। ये ऐसे स्थान हैं जहाँ काम किया जाता है और ये ऐसे स्थान भी हैं जहाँ दोस्ती होती है, रोमांस पनपता है, ब्रेक-अप होता है, उत्पीड़न और हिंसा होती है। कार्यस्थलों में यौनिकता को स्वीकार किया जा सकता है, उसका जश्न मनाया जा सकता है और उसे अपनाया जा सकता है। इसके विपरीत, यौनिकता का उपहास किया जा सकता है, उसके कारन शोषण किया जा सकता है और बदनाम किया जा सकता है। कुछ लोगों के लिए, कार्यस्थल एक ऐसी जगह हो सकती हैं जहाँ लोग अपना कोई भी पहलू बिना छुपाय आने की स्वतंत्रता महसूस करते हैं, कुछ के लिए वे घर पर हो रही हिंसा से कुछ देर तक राहत दे सकती हैं, और कुछ अन्य लोगों के लिए वे नियमित वेतन के बदले में सहन करने के लिए एक सांसारिक ज़िम्मेदारी हैं जिसे झेलना ज़रूरी है। जिस तरह से कार्यस्थल सौहार्द की भावना प्रदान कर सकते हैं, उसी तरह वे वर्ग, जाति, लिंग और यौन अभिव्यक्ति और पहचान, धर्म, विकलांगता और अन्य कारकों के आधार पर असमानताओं को उजागर कर और बढ़ा सकते हैं। कार्यस्थल और यौनिकता कैसे जुड़े हुए हैं और हम उनमें सत्ता, स्वायत्तता और सहमति को कैसे समझते हैं? एक कार्यस्थल को सुरक्षित, समावेशी और आत्म-पुष्टि (SISA) करने वाला कैसे बनाया जा सकता है? बुनियादी शारीरिक स्तर पर, क्या हमारी ज़रूरतों को ध्यान में रखा जाता है – चाहे वह सभी के लिए सुरक्षित शौचालय हो, सुलभ रैंप हो या काम करते लोगों के लिए सुरक्षा व्यवस्था हो? सामाजिक-भावनात्मक स्तर पर, कार्यस्थल में लोगों के साथ कैसा व्यवहार किया जाता है? क्या विविधता, समानता और समावेशन केवल नीतियों के रूप में मौजूद हैं या वे नियुक्ति, प्रतिधारण, पदोन्नति और मान्यता/पुरस्कार प्रथाओं में प्रकट होते हैं? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम यौनिकता के संबंध में कार्यस्थलों की सकारात्मक संभावनाओं के बारे में इन और अन्य सवालों का पता लगाने वाले हैं।

June & July – Queering as a Way of Life
Not just an adjective but also a verb, an action, a doing word, to ‘queer’ something is to put it out of alignment with existing normative frameworks and envision transformative new modes of being and existing together. What can and does queering mean in terms of lived realities? How do people ‘queer’ their daily lives in overt and covert ways? What role can queering play in dismantling structures of politics, power, and privilege? How does the idea of a spectrum go beyond binaries that continue to define gender and sexual identity and expression, or romantic and sexual attraction, to include and embrace transgender, non-binary, aromantic, asexual, and other experiences that reject labels? How do we queer and redefine kinships in terms of dating, found families, friendships, parenting, and other relationships? What kinds of safe, inclusive, and self-affirming spaces let us explore and nurture queering as a way of life to the fullest? How can the crucial spaces where we spend a lot of time – our families, educational institutions, workplaces – themselves be queered, and also support queering? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we look at how queering radically manifests in various arenas of our lives.

जून और जुलाई‘क्वीयरीकरण’ – एक जीवन शैली
किसी चीज़ का ‘क्वीयरीकरण’ करने का मतलब है उसे पुरानी सामाजिक रूढ़ियों से आज़ाद करते हुए उसके होने और उसे अपनाने के नए तरीक़ों की कल्पना करना। इसलिए, ‘क्वीयर’ सिर्फ़ एक विशेषण नहीं, एक क्रिया – एक कार्य – भी है। लोगों की असल ज़िंदगी में इसका क्या मतलब हो सकता है? हम प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से अपने दैनिक जीवन को ‘क्वीयर’ कैसे बना सकते हैं? राजनीति, सत्ता, और विशेषाधिकार पर बने सामाजिक ढांचे गिराने में ‘क्वीयरीकरण’ की क्या भूमिका हो सकती है? एक बाइनरी, यानी द्विआधारी, सोच से निकलते हुए हम जेंडर और यौनिकता को कैसे एक ‘स्पेक्ट्रम’ की तरह देख सकते हैं जिसमें ट्रांसजेंडर, नॉन-बाइनरी, ग़ैर-रोमांटिक, ग़ैर-यौनिक के साथ ऐसी तमाम पहचानें और अनुभव शामिल हैं जो किसी नाम या परिभाषा में सीमित नहीं रहना चाहतीं? किस तरह के सुरक्षित, समावेशी, और आत्मपुष्टी-अनुकूल (SISA) स्थान हमें एक जीवन शैली के रूप में ‘क्वीयरीकरण’ का अनुभव दिला सकते हैं? हम जिन स्थानों में अपना ज़्यादातर समय बीताते हैं (जैसे घर, शैक्षणिक संस्थान, कार्यस्थल) उनका ‘क्वीयरीकरण’ कैसे किया जा‌ सकता‌ है और उस प्रक्रिया में इनका क्या योगदान हो सकता है? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम देखेंगे कि किस तरह ‘क्वीयरीकरण’ हमारी ज़िंदगी के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में ख़ुद को प्रकट करता है।

April & May – The Pandemic and Sexuality
The global COVID-19 pandemic, beginning early 2020, has transformed the way we live and our connections with ourselves and others. While mask mandates, quarantines, and lockdowns may now be things of the past, they still remain vivid in memory and the complications from Long COVID as well as the variants of the virus continue. The pandemic brought health and wellbeing to the forefront of everyone’s concerns and increased already present societal inequalities, especially when it came to healthcare access and rights, including sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also highlighted disparities in the digital world and online spaces for human interaction. How did we navigate and understand gender and sexuality during the lockdowns? How did the pandemic affect the domestic space vis-à-vis gender roles and invisible labour? Physical distancing and isolation posed multiple challenges when it came to friendships, dating and other relationships. Did the pandemic lead to a reinvention of desire, intimacy and pleasure, bringing in alternate modes of connection? What did we learn about self-care and collective care, in the light of people work and hybrid workplaces? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we seek to highlight what we have learned about resilience and the human spirit from the pandemic and its many after-effects, especially around sexuality, SRHR and wellbeing.

अप्रैल और मई – कोविड महामारी और यौनिकता
2020 में शुरु हुई कोविड-19 महामारी ने ज़िंदगी और आपसी रिश्तों की ओर हमारा नज़रिया पूरी तरह से बदल दिया है। भले ही क्वारंटाइन और लॉकडाउन अब नहीं होते और मास्क पहनना भी ज़रूरी नहीं रहा, फिर भी वो वक़्त हमें आज भी याद आता है। इस वायरस के अलग-अलग प्रकार (वेरियंट) और ‘लॉंग कोविड’ की दिक़्क़तों से हम आज भी जूझ रहे हैं। इस महामारी के चलते हमने सेहत और ख़ुशहाली पर गंभीरता से बात करना शुरु किया। महामारी के दौरान हमने अपनी आंखों के सामने सामाजिक असमानताओं को बढ़ते हुए देखा। हमें नज़र आने लगा कि स्वास्थ्य सेवाएं और अधिकार आज भी कितने लोगों के पास नहीं है, ख़ासकर जब बात यौनिक और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य की हो। इस दौरान हमने डिजिटल दुनिया और ऑनलाइन माध्यमों में ग़ैर-बराबरी पर बात को बढ़ावा दिया। लॉकडाउन के दौरान जेंडर और यौनिकता के मुद्दों को हमने किस तरह समझा? घर के अंदर जेंडर भूमिकाओं और श्रम की भागीदारी पर महामारी का क्या असर रहा? शारीरिक दूरी (फ़िज़िकल डिस्टैंसिंग) और अकेले रहने का दोस्ती, डेटिंग, और अन्य रिश्तों पर क्या प्रभाव था? क्या कोविड के दौरान हमने नाते जोड़ने के नए-नए तरीक़े अपनाने के साथ-साथ वासना, अंतरंगता, और आनंद को एक नए नज़रिये से देखना सीखा? इस दौरान ‘पीप्ल वर्क’ और ‘हाइब्रिड’ कार्यस्थलों के संदर्भ में हमने आत्म-देखभाल और सामूहिक देखभाल के बारे में क्या सीखा? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम लोगों के आत्मबल की क्षमता और मुश्किलों से जूझने की क़ाबिलियत पर चर्चा करेंगे। साथ ही हम कोविड के संदर्भ में यौनिकता, यौनिक और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य और अधिकार, और ख़ुशहाली पर भी बात करेंगे।

February & March – Entertainment and Sexuality
While the primary purpose of entertainment might be to interest and amuse people, entertainment goes beyond merely being a mode of recreation. It influences social mores and norms just as much as it is influenced by them, factoring in play, pleasure, desire and fantasy. Through various mediums, entertainment can both subvert and reinforce stereotypes about certain individuals and communities. Popular or mainstream entertainment, by virtue of being made for mass appeal, can erase nuance, but it can also be a great sensitisation tool. Additionally, audience members also get a chance to participate in the process of meaning-making whether it be through fandom discussions or creating fan fiction. Alternatively, sexuality itself can be a form of entertainment, for example, drag, burlesque, peep shows, etc. What are acceptable modes of entertainment? How are they gendered and validated based on an individual’s social location? How has technology and the internet changed the ways in which we create and consume entertainment? Beyond token representation, how can we queer the idea and forms of entertainment? How can entertainment be used to disseminate rights-based and pleasure-affirming content on sexuality and SRHR, particularly Comprehensive Sexuality Education? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we examine how entertainment and sexuality are connected.

फ़रवरी और मार्च – मनोरंजन और यौनिकता
मनोरंजन का मक़सद हमारा मन बहलाना तो ज़रूर है लेकिन ये सिर्फ़ इसी तक सीमित नहीं होता। ये काफ़ी हद तक सामाजिक नियमों और मानदंडों के निर्माण में सहयोग देता है और बदले में इनसे प्रभावित भी होता है, ख़ासतौर पर जब बात आनंद, इच्छा, और फ़ैंटसी की होती है। मनोरंजन अलग-अलग माध्यमों के ज़रिए विशेष तबकों के लोगों के बारे में प्रचलित धारणाओं को बढ़ावा देने या उन्हें दूर करने की ताक़त रखता है। मुख्यधारा का मनोरंजन लोगों को संवेदनशील बनाने में मदद कर सकता है लेकिन अक्सर ज़रूरी मुद्दों की बारीकियां ये ढंग से नहीं दर्शा पाता है। कई बार यौनिकता ख़ुद मनोरंजन का माध्यम बन सकती है। समाज में मनोरंजन के किन माध्यमों को मान्यता दी जाती है? किसी के सामाजिक स्थान का इससे आमतौर पर क्या संबंध रहता है? इंटरनेट और तकनीकी विकास ने मनोरंजन के निर्माण और प्रसार को किस तरह से बदला है? प्रतीकवाद (tokenism) के अलावा मनोरंजन के माध्यमों में क्वीयरता लाने के और क्या तरीक़े अपनाए जा सकते हैं? मनोरंजन के माध्यम से व्यापक यौनिकता शिक्षा पर आधारित, यौनिक और प्रजनन स्वास्थ्य और अधिकारों से जुड़े आनंद-सकारात्मक, अधिकार-आधारित संदेश कैसे फैलाए जा सकते हैं? इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम मनोरंजन और यौनिकता के बीच संबंध पर चर्चा करेंगे।

January – Anthology Issue
Happy New Year! May 2024 bring all of us joy and peace! In December 2023, we celebrated ten years of In Plainspeak’s digital avatar and realised anew the importance of nurturing spaces where one can discuss sexuality in a pleasure-affirming, rights-based manner while prioritising joy and wellbeing without any judgement and shame. In an increasingly violent world where space for dialogue is shrinking, it is even more crucial to celebrate the safe and inclusive pocket-worlds that allow people to be themselves and fearlessly explore their identities. And so, for the 2024 anthology issue of In Plainspeak, we have curated a selection of previously published articles that explore the intersections of play, desire, pleasure and sexuality.





November & December – Digital Spaces and Sexuality
Digital spaces influence our sense of self, our relationships with our bodies, our gender and sexual identities, and the ways in which we express our desires, be it on social media, dating apps, online forums, and virtual communities, to name just a few. The digital world allows for articulations of hidden intimacies and fantasies as well as global solidarities. What are the subversive and liberatory potentials of digital spaces in the context of sexuality, despite escalating concerns around privacy, agency, anonymity, consent, and surveillance? How do politico-legal frameworks police sexuality online? How does a lack of equitable resources affect people’s access to the digital world? In the ‘real world’, certain intersections of identities make us more vulnerable to marginalisation, bigotry and abuse. How does the digital world replicate these real-world inequalities and yet encourage us to be our authentic selves? What roles do digital spaces play in feminist and queer activism around sexuality, especially when improving access to information, tools and resources? As we mark 10 years of In Plainspeak going online, these (and other) questions lead us to examine the importance of safe, inclusive and self-affirming digital spaces in our lives, especially with regard to sexuality, sexual and reproductive rights, and wellbeing.

डिजिटल दुनिया और यौनिकता
डिजिटल दुनिया का असर हमारे आत्मबोध, अपने शरीर के साथ हमारे रिश्ते, हमारी यौनिक और जेंडर पहचान, और सोशल मीडिया, डेटिंग ऐप्स, और ऑनलाइन समूहों में अपनी चाहतें ज़ाहिर करने के तरीक़ों पर पड़ता है। इंटरनेट हमें अपने छिपे अंतरंग ख़्याल और ख़्वाब बयां करने और दुनियाभर के लोगों से जुड़कर उनसे सौहार्द और सहानुभूति के रिश्ते बनाने का मौक़ा देता है। आज डेटा प्राइवेसी, स्वायत्तता, गोपनीयता, सहमति, और सरकारी या निजी संस्थाओं द्वारा निगरानी से जुड़ी चिंताओं के ज़माने में भी ये डिजिटल माध्यम यौनिकता के संदर्भ में सशक्तिकरण और वर्त्तमान सामाजिक व्यवस्था को चुनौती देने का ज़रिया कैसे बन सकते हैं? राजनीतिक-क़ानूनी व्यवस्थाएं इंटरनेट पर यौनिकता की अभिव्यक्तियों को किस तरह दबाए रखतीं हैं? संसाधनों के वितरण में ग़ैर-बराबरी डिजिटल दुनिया से जुड़ने में लोगों को कैसे रोकती है? ‘हक़ीक़त’ में पहचान के अलग-अलग अंतर्विभाग हमें हाशिए की ओर ढकेल देते हैं जिससे हमारे ख़िलाफ़ द्वेष और हिंसा का ख़तरा बढ़ जाता है। डिजिटल दुनिया में भी ‘असली दुनिया’ की ये असमानताएं किस तरह प्रचलित हैं,‌ और इसके बावजूद ये जगह हमें अपनी असली पहचान व्यक्त करने के लिए कैसे प्रोत्साहित करती है? यौनिकता से जुड़े नारीवादी और क्वीयर आंदोलन में डिजिटल माध्यमों की क्या भूमिका रही है, ख़ासकर जब बात हर किसी तक जानकारी, उपकरण, और संसाधन पहुंचाने की हो? इन प्लेनस्पीक के ऑनलाइन होने के दस साल पूरे होने के मौक़े पर हम इन सवालों (और कई और सवालों) पर ग़ौर करते हुए सुरक्षित, समावेशी, और आत्मपुष्टी को बढ़ावा देने वाले डिजिटल माध्यमों की ज़रूरत पर नज़र डालेंगे, ख़ासकर यौनिकता, यौनिक और प्रजनन अधिकारों, और ख़ुशहाली के संदर्भ में।

September & October – Fashion and Sexuality
From codpieces and corsets to thongs and navel piercings, fashion is influenced by socio-cultural and sartorial norms. It is not restricted to attire – clothing, footwear, and accessories – but also encompasses hairstyle, makeup, posture, and body modification. It is not uniform and does not necessarily only cover what’s trending or popular. Diverse competing or complementary strands make up the warp and weft of fashion in the mainstream and conterculture/s. And so, the manner in which individuals choose to tailor or fashion themselves becomes a crucial marker of their identity, beliefs and self-expression, acting consciously and/or unconsciously as a signifier of the intersections they occupy. Fashion, therefore, assumes the bespoke role of signalling support for the status quo or staging a struggle against it. How does fashion reinforce and challenge gendered norms? What part does it play when it comes to beauty ideals and regulation of bodies? How do individuals navigate the dynamic process of self-fashioning to embody the politics of a certain aesthetic? How does fashion provide a frame for the playing out of body politics? What makes the process of dressing up or down joyful and self-affirming? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we will weave together some of these connecting threads between fashion and sexuality.

August – Comprehensive Sexuality Education
My breasts are too large, my penis is too small, kissing leads to pregnancy, nocturnal emissions cause weakness, you are impure during your period… How many of us grew up feeling confused and frightened by these misconceptions? Today, despite, or even because of, the Internet, many young and not-so-young people still do not have access to accurate information about sexuality. This leads to low self-esteem, unsafe sexual behaviour, unwanted pregnancy, and sexual violence, to name only a few possible consequences of a lack of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE). Being misunderstood as ‘teaching children how to have sex’ or as giving them ‘licence to experiment’, CSE is viewed with mistrust and fear. The truth is that it not only provides knowledge but also empowers young people to exercise agency and make informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health. Unfortunately, CSE curricula are neither uniform nor adequately implemented. How might this be overcome? In today’s expanding world, what should CSE cover so that young people’s diverse needs are met? What are some common challenges that CSE educators face and how can they be resolved? What would non-judgmental, affirming comprehensive sexuality education look like for people of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities and expression, and sex characteristics? Who is best placed to provide this education? How can new mediums and formats be used for this purpose? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we will explore this and much more.

July – Food and Sexuality
Be it pasta, payasam, or puris, it is the magical mélange of flavours and textures that makes for a memorable meal. Delectable, seductive, sinful, tantalising, bewitching – many of the words used to describe food-related experiences and sensations are akin to those used for sexual ones. It is not surprising, because eating and sexuality are universal and the subject of pleasure is common to both. Practices to do with food as well as sexuality vary across cultures and evolve over time. Yet, concepts of pollution, adulteration, and defilement, especially in cultures like ours, persist. Many Indian homes have strict rules about the preparation and consumption of food as they do about whom one may commingle with, whether at the table or in bed. Concepts of abstinence, moderation, and excess apply to both food and sexuality, evoking a complex mix of emotions ranging from the joyful to the horrific, including anxiety, disgust, fear and revulsion. Today, feeding on people’s anxieties and aspirations, diet-culture and food-shaming influence our relationship with food, our bodies, and our sexuality, leading us to forget that both food and sexuality can be important sources of pleasure and self-care. This issue of In Plainspeak will explore the perils and pleasures to be found in the potpourri of food and sexuality.

June – Body and Sexuality
The body has never had one solitary meaning throughout human history. Just to shine a light on some of its complex facets – it is a material body requiring daily sustenance; an anatomical body susceptible to disease and death; a sensual body able to feel pleasure, pain, and everything in between; a social body marked by attributes like gender, race and class; a cultural body that is a repository for ritual, habit and memory; a political body that demands rights; and, a body that is not only a medium that facilitates sex itself but also a site where sexuality is enacted. It is a tangible physical entity as well as a philosophical construct. As an accurate or misread marker of identity, it impacts how sexuality plays out. How can the body be both the focus of violence as well as a site of resistance against it? In what ways is it linked to desire and pleasure? How are bodies – especially marginalised, subaltern bodies – policed, and how do individuals assert themselves in self-affirming ways? How does pop culture and media, together with societal norms, construct and/or deconstruct bodies? How do popular ideals about body image, ability, and gender identity help or hinder taking control of sexual and reproductive health and rights? In an increasingly digital age, how are bodies inscribed in virtual spaces and in what ways is this process both freeing and limiting? In this issue of In Plainspeak, we seek to explore these and other topics around the body and sexuality.

May – Humour and Sexuality
We like to believe that humour is personal, but it is also shaped by societal beliefs and prejudices. It reflects the attitudes of those who make the jokes and those who laugh at them. What tickles our sense of humour differs from person to person, based on our location across various intersections. Humour is a potent medium of communication and it can be used negatively to punch down minorities, attack disenfranchised groups, and alienate individuals. Humour about sex, sexuality, gender, and reproduction is a slippery slope. That being said, humour is a great way to explore anxieties and insecurities. It brings people together through shared laughter and play. It breaks silences and builds affinities and alliances. It is a reliable source of joy and pleasure. Humour, by reflecting the absurdity of human pettiness and prejudices, can be a subversive tool to resist and challenge dominant narratives of sexuality. How can we joke about sex and sexuality in a way that is affirming of our pleasures and rights? Is it possible to be funny and politically correct? Where do we draw the line, and who do we consider, in the context of what may be offensive/insensitive and what is not? In what ways can humour be effectively used to talk about sexuality and related subjects in a way that is fun and funny without being facile? In the May issue of In Plainspeak, we further explore some of these and other ideas about Humour and Sexuality.

April – Sports and Sexuality
Sports and athletics create a versatile space that enables the constant construction of social identities through bodily performance and presentation of participants as well as spectators. However, by way of their categories, they demarcate the boundary of male and female in terms of sex, and of masculine and feminine in terms of gender where only binaries exist. Outwardly objective processes set eligibility criteria, performance benchmarks, and even “appropriate” dress. Certain expectations of an “ideal” man/woman and male/female athlete are set. A tussle between tradition and modernity also plays out wherein it opens up the possibility of movement into the public space for those who have been restricted to the domestic and challenges rigid understandings of sex, sexuality, gender. Sports and athletics can aid us in discovering ourselves, expressing our sexuality, and building connections to cross barriers. While they may be a platform for showcasing diversity, sportspersons can face discrimination and bigotry from teammates and audiences. In what ways are they shaped by, and themselves shape, the public imagination? How do cultural norms and power relations play out vis-à-vis sexualisation, vulnerability, and harassment? How do we tap into the potential for fellowship, joy, and self-discovery that sports offer? Finally, what spaces do they provide for self-affirming, enjoyable sexuality? This issue of In Plainspeak explores how sexuality may be curtailed or find expression within the domain of sports and athletics.

March – Narratives and Sexuality
Narratives comprise and inform our existence. They take shape from and influence culture, society, polity, history and individuals. There are narratives that have sexuality at their core and there are ones in which it’s rippling somewhere beneath the surface. The dominant narratives founded and/or perpetuated by popular culture and media, influence and often dictate how discourses around sexuality are perceived and, in turn, (re)produced. These are punctuated, and sometimes disrupted, by personal narratives, legal reforms and mass movements that not only circumvent or challenge set codes and conceptions of sexuality but also open up spaces for constructive reformulations. They may also lead to the reclaiming of narratives of sexualities that have been dismissed or sullied through patriarchal disbelief and ignorance. While some narratives can affect our mental health and overall well-being, others can help us cope with the fault-lines of sexuality. How do we narrativise sexuality in empowering, rights-based and pleasure-affirming ways? How can narratives help in creating inclusive and safe spaces, especially in relation to understanding and expressing our sexualities in a pluralistic manner? This month’s issue of In Plainspeak attempts to probe into these questions by focusing on the manifold connections and conflations of sexuality and narratives.

February – Accessibility and Sexuality
In a densely stratified society like India, the accessibility of public services (including healthcare), information, pleasure, amenities, and, even necessities, is heavily restricted by the combination of the markers of gender, caste, class, sexual orientation, body type, and disability that continually act upon our existence throughout our lives in varying permutations and combinations. Which social grid we inhabit and our position in it also often determines what and how we feel, what we can (afford to) disconnect from and when, and even the feelings of anxiety, stress, worry that may be caused by factors beyond our control. This influences the spaces, services and mediums of knowledge that are accessible to us (and our perceptions of them), the ways in which we express our sexualities, and how we interact with other people as well as the material world. How do we find or acquire the agency and the strength to make place for ourselves and our sexuality? This issue of In Plainspeak focuses on the multi-polar connections between accessibility and sexuality to understand and explicate the conditions that, in varying degrees, foster, allow or obstruct us from expressing and exploring sexuality in our own ways and building safe, inclusive, and self-affirming spaces.

January Anthology issue
A new year is an invitation to experience more of life, of hope, love and laughter. That’s what we wish each of you, dear readers. We have curated this anthology to remind you and ourselves of the gift and wonder of possibilities – the openings that seemingly random events offer us, the happy endings that difficult experiences sometimes lead to, the serendipity that we occasionally stumble upon and savour. And it is in this spirit that we have made a special selection from our treasure trove of In Plainspeak articles for our 2023 anthology issue.



December – Sexual Rights



January – Queer Rights

February – Consent and Coercion 

March – Women

April – Safe Abortion

May – Body Image

June – Law and Sexuality

July – Art and Activism

August – Disability and Sexuality

September – Sports and Sexuality

October – Popular Media and Sexuality

November –  Mobility and Sexuality

December –  Anniversary Issue                                                             


January – Music, Dance and Sexuality

February – Comprehensive Sexuality Education

March – Women and Sexuality

April – Mental Health and Sexuality

May – Family and Sexuality

June –  The Body and Sexuality

July – Technology and Sexuality

August – Let’s Talk Sexuality

September – The Post-2015 Development Agenda, and Sexuality

October – Food, Drink and Sexuality

November – Feminism and Sexuality

December – HIV and Sexuality


January – Humour and Sexuality 

February – Love and Sexuality

March – Travel and Sexuality

April – Sex Work and Sexuality

May – Relationships and Sexuality

June – Work and Sexuality

July – Science and Sexuality

August – Attire and Sexuality

September – Migration and Sexuality

October – Parenting and Sexuality

November – Fantasy and Sexuality 

December – People’s Movements and Sexuality


January – Films and Sexuality
Cinema is an influential medium, through which a lot of important ideas and beliefs can be articulated and internalised. The patterns of behavior we see on screen are what we often subsconsciously repeat in our daily lives, and so, the representations of sexuality we see on this medium also play a major role in informing our personal engagements with sexuality. Whether it’s through the way sex is portrayed, or through the way the female body is either given agency or eroded of agency, or the way queer individuals are represented – films are a reflection of culture and society, and by extension, the way society perceives aspects of sexuality. This month’s issue of In Plainspeak engages with these questions, and attempts to map the relationship between sexuality and cinema, and how this relationship affects the audience consuming it.

February – Self Care and Sexuality
Though it might seem innocuous, but the act of caring for oneself is innately feminist. Self-care involves an understanding of the self (which expands to both one’s body and sexuality) and an acceptance of it, which are both radical in a culture that seems to police or add undue pressure on physical and emotional manifestations of the self. Self-care is as much about developing bodily autonomy as much it is about psychological wellbeing, and is as much about learning to develop confidence and agency in one’s sexuality as much it is about physical health. This month’s issue of In Plainspeak takes an introspective look these processes function, and how self-care influences the way in which we experience and express sexuality and body image.      

March –  Marriage and Sexuality
While on the one hand, marriage can be a celebration of love, commitment and sexuality, on the other, it can be an inherently oppressive institution. Marriage has been traditionally romanticised as a spiritually pure union between two souls, but it isn’t always the ‘bed of roses’ that it is meant to signify. In fact, when seen through a critical lens, one might find structures of patriarchy, heteronormativity, class and caste running rife within it. But with changing societal norms, marriages can also evolve from its conventionalism into an empowering, positive and equal partnership. This month’s issue of In Plainspeak explores these dichotomies that are intrinsic to marriage, tackling topics ranging from the question of choice (or the lack thereof), to gender roles, to same-sex marriage, and more.

April –  Boundaries and Sexuality
Drawing lines are useful in defining ideas; boundaries of personal space help keep us secure from unwanted advances, boundaries of privacy help cultivate our creativity and thought, boundaries of age aid us in determining the right kind of nourishment to give young ones or the attention and care to give to those who are ageing. There are also times when boundaries can limit us; discrimination can turn into discrimination against, and the lines that helped us mark meaning in our world can hinder accessibility, opportunity, and growth. In Plainspeak’s April issue examines boundaries both real and imagined in their influence on sexuality.

May –  Money and Sexuality
How does having money, wanting money, and using money play into how we express our sexuality? Can money buy us sexual satisfaction or professional satisfaction? Can it help our self-esteem and body image? How does money make sex work, and what relationship does sex work have with money? How do aspects of our sexualityinfluence our ties to money? When money can influence the trajectory of our lives, In Plainspeak’s May issue ventures to ask how this currency interacts with our sexuality.

June –  Internet and Sexuality
The ‘virtual’ world and the ‘real’ world no longer simply co-exist, they flow seamlessly as part of each other. The internet has grown more than its initial accompaniment to the IRL (in real life) expression and politics of sexuality. Our online presence now informs our sexual, social and intellectual lives as much as any other form of interaction. The June issues of In Plainspeak explores the intersections of worlds and personas in the landscape of human sexuality.

July –  Communities and Sexuality
There are communities we actively choose and create, and there are those whose associations with us we spend our lifetimes investigating. They say we can’t choose our families but we can choose our friends. While that may be true or not, what influences do aspects of community and sexuality have upon each other? How do they define us as individuals apart from and together as parts of a society? This and more in In Plainspeak’s July issues on Communities and Sexuality.

August –  Accessibility and Sexuality
We often find that realising the ideals of equality of opportunity when talking in terms of both accessibility and sexuality issues, is an effort encrusted with complexities. Being inclusive doesn’t come easy, but worthy efforts are made every day all around the world that build on valuing the diversity of each of our lived experiences. Taking some of them into account, In Plainspeak’s August issues on Accessibility and Sexuality articulate and reframe ideas woven into our social fabric.

September –  Fiction and Sexuality
Humankind thrives because of our ability to imagine and communicate thoughts, ideas and made-up stories. We make up the idea of nations, religions, laws, corporations, strictures, and even money, all fictions that ultimately bind us. But fiction also frees us – by allowing escape, imagining possibilities different from the present, and building a future. How does fiction intersect with sexuality? How is our imagination of, and enactment of, our self shaped by our reading and writing of fiction? In Plainspeak’s September issue examines the role – positive, negative, or blurred – of fiction in sexuality.

October –  Caste and Sexuality
Ambedkar may have had a vision to make India caste-free, but caste is still flourishing in India and its neighbouring countries. Where one is on the caste spectrum is inextricably, and often irrevocably, tied to their sexualityCaste follows one throughout life, with a privileged few able to live their lives claiming ‘it doesn’t matter’ to them. As do different forms of othering globally, including racial discrimination and control of indigenous peoples. What are the many ways caste (and the myriad forms of othering) and sexuality meet, influence each other and set the course for one’s sexual expression, behaviour and identity? These are some questions that the October issue of In Plainspeak on caste and sexuality addresses.

November –  Time and Sexuality
Aspects of sexuality change with the passage of time in the lives of individuals as well as of societies. People find that what mattered a few years ago doesn’t anymore, and grapple with changes as new concerns, freedoms and expressions of sexuality take over. Societies, too, mark a non-linear path, progressing on some fronts with time and regressing on others. Technologies, laws, religions and cultures bring fascinating, worrisome, innovative changes, some restrictive and others liberatory, to our expressions of sexuality. The November issue of In Plainspeak explores  how time and sexuality interact, be it in the moments that mark individual lives or the larger public histories that shape entire societies.

December –  Freedom and Sexuality
What would it be like to have no limits when it comes to expressing sexuality? No societal stigma, no familial, societal or governmental control – just the freedom to articulate and pursue one’s thoughts, emotions and desires? But the reality is that sexuality is heavily regulated by institutions like the state, religion and the family. This issue of In Plainspeak explores what it could mean to freely experience and assert the right to sexual agency. It also reflects on current barriers to this freedom and the ways that it is asserted or denied, based on gender, caste, sexual orientation and more. It challenges readers to imagine new frontiers in sexual expression and the ways we can cross them, and get to where we want to be.


An illustration of three birds sitting on a tree branch. They all have colourful patterns drawn on them.

January –  Anniversary Issue
For the past four years, In Plainspeak has published articles highlighting the diversity of issues related to sexuality in the Global South and the universal importance of sexuality. We’ve explored the ways that sexuality is connected to many different concepts – some which were evident and others that were a bit more surprising. The January issue of In Plainspeak is a compilation of selected articles from our archives.

February –  Friendship and Sexuality
Romantic relationships are often the focus in discussions about sexuality, but what about friendship? Friendship can shape our perceptions of pleasure, desire and sexual norms. It can be a space for solidarity and openness, or one that reinforces myths and stigma. In this issue of In Plainspeak we will highlight the ways that friendship can encourage, undermine, censor or protect free expression. We will also interrogate the boundary between friendship and romance, and explore the intimacies that exist between friends.

March –  Home and Sexuality
Our conceptions of home shape not only how we view sexuality but also how we are able to express it. Sometimes in order to fully assert our sexuality, we may need to adjust our idea of home spatially, geographically and/or in the abstract. Home can be a private place where we can explore our deepest fantasies and desires, but it can also be restrictive, limiting not only what we can do but also who we are. For some, leaving home for the first time opens up an entire world of possibility. On a broader level, society’s sexual norms and taboos shift as people migrate and create new homes. The March issue of In Plainspeak will delve into the ways that individuals and cultures use the concept of “home” to both open up and restrict the ways that people express sexuality.

April – Memory and Sexuality
Memory is often fragile, linked intimately with subjectivity and social conditioning. The way we remember things is linked to the way we see the world and ourselves, and that in turn is what influences our sexual expression. Our perceptions of a certain event, on both a personal and cultural level, often inform the development of our own individual sexual expression as well as broader sexual norms and taboos. Many times, these perceptions are influenced by personal opinion or societal pressure. Memory is as much a tool for perpetuating violence as it is a medium for self-actualisation and acceptance. The April issue of In Plainspeak traverses these various labyrinthine landscapes that memory and consciousness lead us into.

May –  Language and Sexuality
Language is a means by which we communicate our thoughts, desires, and emotions. But beyond communication, language also mirrors and influences what society recognizes as acceptable or despicable. We use words to name, to describe, to extoll or to ridicule ideas, people, ways of being and ways of loving, among many other things. We do not have words for that which we do not know of or acknowledge and consequently, sometimes unwittingly, negate it. In the context of sexuality, language is central to how we do or do not express ourselves, access health services and information, pursue pleasure, assert our identities, and more. In the May issue of In Plainspeak, we will explore the ways that communities and individuals use language as both a mechanism for policing, discriminating and negating, and a tool for awareness, acceptance and liberation.

June –  Wellbeing and Sexuality 
Wellbeing flourishes on a plane that while encompassing the physical goes way beyond it. It is fed by the spaces we occupy (both on a personal and larger level), and it thrives in the freedom of individual thoughts, opinions and emotions as well as our collective sense of psychological and social contentment. Sexuality, and the affirmation of identity and individuality as well as the sense of being a part of a greater whole it brings, can be both a catalyst for and product of a holistic state of wellbeing.
Some of the silken skeins in the delicate yet tensile web of sexual wellbeing are the support systems that enrich us, that offer us the freedom and safety to articulate our sexual desires, fantasies, and sexual agency; the processes of self-care and self-pleasure we perform; and the ways we perceive our bodies and how we exercise our bodily autonomy. When sexual freedoms and sexual health are woven together, our “ways of being” are deeply enhanced. The June issue of In Plainspeak seeks to explore these very interdependencies between wellbeing and sexuality, and how they impact our overall quality of life.

July –  Power and Sexuality
Power is both precarious and pervasive, seeping into and leaching out of the personal and social structures we inhabit, and by extension, influencing the ways in which we experience and express our sexuality. Physical acts of sex as well as the ways we arrive at sexual pleasure, affirm or negate consent, and perceive both our own and our partners’ bodies reveal  a complex interplay of power relations. But even beyond the physical, the socio-political hierarchies of class, caste, gender and other inequalities are also often replicated in sexual relations and individual perceptions of desire. Therefore, these manifestations of power, or the lack of it, become closely linked to our sexual agency, control, and individual freedom. But agency, too, is fraught with complexity – it is dependent on how the zeitgeist conditions our attitudes to sex and sexuality, and hence, retains the possibility of giving way to violence as much as it has the potential to be liberating and pleasure-affirming.  The July issue of In Plainspeak seeks to confront and interrogate how power plays out in our practices and beliefs surrounding sex and sexuality.

August – Desire and Sexuality
To desire is to be human. Desire inheres in the ways in which we perceive ourselves and the world. Complex, subjective, and multifaceted, it fuels sexual intimacy, sexual pleasure, and the exploration and expression of our bodies. With desire come fantasy and the need for the freedom and agency to explore our fantasies. These fantasies can go beyond existing socially acceptable modes of inhabiting and exhibiting sexuality and all that it entails. Desire can stir within us a longing for ‘something more, something different’. And so, turning into something radical and political it can transcend the personal to encompass a larger quest to challenge and break out of social stigmas, taboos, and morals.  The August issue of In Plainspeak will seek to engage with the diverse meanings and expressions of desire, and how they come together to inform and enrich our understandings of sexuality.

September – Performance and Sexuality
Human life is a constant ebb and flow of various forms of performance – not only do we perform (or conversely, refuse to perform) the socially mandated gender-essentialist roles assigned to us, but we also ‘perform’ our individual value systems through our ways and modes of being. We are part of larger structures that often govern our actions, and in them, what we present to the world become markers of our identity. It is this identity that becomes linked to our sexuality, connecting our external social and cultural performativity to the internal experiences of desire and sexual freedom. But ‘performance’, on a more literal level, also includes the realms of art, creativity and diversity of thought, which too can become an important cultural medium for both sexual self-expression and the questioning of norms. Therefore, ‘performance’ can be both subversive and conformist as, it can involve both challenging and adhering to status quos. The September issue of In Plainspeak explores the complex ways in which these varied performances are carried out, and how they connect with notions of sexuality.

October – Beauty and Sexuality
Beauty is often seen as a marker for sexuality – what society considers beautiful is usually also heavily sexualised. But the reality is that socially imposed notions of beauty are not wholly representative; every person has a different idea of what makes someone or something beautiful. In this way, the concept of beauty illustrates the diversity that exists within human sexuality. It is used to demonstrate different facets of sexuality such as gender, sexual orientation, and more. These core parts of our identity and sexuality influence the ways we perceive beauty and what we do to feel beautiful. Beauty and sexual expression are also constantly affecting each other: beauty inspires and can define sexual expression, and sexual expression can shift individual ideas of beauty. Rigid ideas of what is beautiful, sexy, or desirable can reinforce oppressive structures, but when these concepts are more flexible they can be subversive as well. The October issue of In Plainspeak will delve into the relationship between beauty and sexuality and explore its various facets

November Sex and Sexuality
Sex is usually the first thing that comes to mind when most people think of sexuality. Core parts of our identities are often defined by sex: who we are having sex with, how we like to have sex, whether or not we want to have sex, and at what age we first had sex. Sexuality is certainly not limited to these questions, but sex plays a key role in developing the varied facets of sexuality. It is one of the many ways that people express their sexuality, and it can help people explore their own sexual orientation, gender, body image, fantasies, and more. For some, it can hold great significance as a form of love, pleasure, labour, or as a source of trauma. The November issue of In Plainspeak will reflect on the multitude of ways that people experience sex and use it to express their sexuality.

December – Popular Culture and Sexuality
Popular Culture is all around us – from the films, to the music, to the books, magazines, newspapers, and TV shows (and so on) we consume – seeping into our thought processes and value systems, influencing us in myriad and unprecedented ways. Parallel to and sometimes even more influential than traditional structures of education, popular culture is a powerful source of information, and often a marker of the way a society thinks about sexuality. How popular culture depicts bodies, how it represents various gender identities and sexual orientations, or even, the ways it portrays sex and the notions around sex, are part of mainstream discourse, with both the creators and consumers of media actively contributing to it. Are these representations nuanced, pleasure-affirming and inclusive or do they fetishise and denigrate that which falls outside a charmed circle? At the same time as sexual mores change and as technologies expand, depictions of sexuality in popular culture change as well. What are the tensions between freedom of expression, creative expression and responsible representation in popular culture? Is pop culture’s engagement with sexuality expanding? If so, is it evolving or falling back into regressive modes of thinking? The January Issue of In Plainspeak explores these and other questions about the intersections between popular culture and sexuality.


A cross-cutting theme across all forthcoming issues in 2019 is how we can expand safe, inclusive sexuality-affirming spaces.

January – Anthology Issue
Over the past five years, In Plainspeak has curated a range of articles, personal essays, audio-visual content and much more, delving into the complexities and intersections of sexuality from a holistic, rights-based, pleasure-affirming perspective going beyond the associations of violence, disease and shame that these conversations are often burdened with. In Plainspeak believes in a joyful exploration of sexuality, in holistic sexual wellbeing that transcends the physical, in acceptance and agency and inclusivity. And in that very spirit, our January issue is a jubilant celebration of how we’ve upheld this promise – an anthology of our most positive, heartwarming, and inspiring stories that give voice to what we sought to do in the first place, which is to make discussions about sexuality both accessible and enjoyable.

Feb Intimacy and Sexuality
Smoked glass is beautiful – it offers us the illusions that we may want to read into it. But they are illusions. Intimacy goes past that and sees the other for what they truly are – including their vulnerabilities, cellulite, wrinkles, crinkles, pimples, and all. Intimacy is a deep knowing, a caring, it involves trust and a sharing of vulnerabilities. We seek and find intimacy in different kinds of relationships – some that involve sex and some that do not. In some relationships, sexual intimacy and emotional intimacy may be closely bound; in others, sex may not predicate emotional intimacy and vice versa. Do the ways we experience and express our sexuality foster intimacy? Do experiences of intimacy nurture our sexual wellbeing? Can we experience sexual wellbeing without being in a sexually intimate relationship? What messages does the world around us give us about intimacy? Does it tell us that we are failures if we are not in an intimate relationship, or that intimacy comes at a cost? Do today’s norms and tech allow us intimacy or only an illusion of it? How much do we allow our selves to see and be shown? How clear is our looking glass? The February issue of In Plainspeak seeks to answer these tantalizing questions.

March – Choice and Sexuality

The complex syntheses of the choices we make, both mundane and significant, originate from and translate into our internal perceptions and lived realities, creating and sustaining the myriad layers of our lives. Some choices are born out of our inherent social conditioning, some out of informed, independent reasoning, while many others end up occupying the blurry liminal space between the two, precariously straddling both the political and the personal. Sexuality, one of our most intrinsically personal aspects, is still somehow frequently enmeshed in larger social, cultural, geographical, political, economic and other circumstances; it is constructed and manifested within a framework of choices that traverse too many blurred lines and liminal spaces, where agency and consent are an ever-nuanced, ever-malleable thing. Whether or not we’re choosing to have sex, to use contraception, choosing our partners, our reproductive rights, our bodily and sexual expressions, our modes of pleasure, choosing whether or not we want to get married, are all a product of who we are; the culmination of our internal perceptions and our external, socially-influenced identities. How free, then are these choices? What are their overlaps, their connotations, their intersectionalities – are they challenging oppressive hegemonic structures or adhering to them? The March issue of In Plainspeak ponders these questions and more, attempting to investigate the fragile balance in which choice and sexuality delicately hang. We urge our contributors keep in mind our cross-cutting theme of expanding safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces while they write about issues of Choice and Sexuality.

April – Public Space and Sexuality

The private and the public – the microcosm and macrocosm of our modes of existence; the ever-amorphous, ever-versatile spaces where our identities, expressions, our lived self subsist, and mutually influence each other. In a world that’s increasingly globalised and connected, the private and the public may not even be distinct entities, and yet, they are spaces with their own intersections of both liberation and oppression, spaces where there may or may not be agency, where it may or may not be ‘safe’ to explore and embody one’s sexuality, one’s sexual choices, and the pursuit of one’s pleasure.  When we conceive of the public, we tend to think of larger social, cultural, geographical contexts – how the world functions as a whole, and how individuals, communities, collectives and their specific social and cultural contexts interact with this world. But how does one function and flourish within a public space? How much mobility or visibility does one have? How much sexual autonomy? Do personal boundaries remain intact? Do people, their bodies and their choices have the latitude to thrive and prosper? The April issue of In Plainspeak engages with these complex and important questions, attempting to investigate the equal parts contentious and interdependent relationship of public space and sexuality. We urge our contributors keep in mind our cross-cutting theme of expanding safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces while they write about issues of Public Space and Sexuality.

May – Diversity and Sexuality

Just as light refracts through a prism into rainbow hues, sexuality too, holds within it a multitude of colours and dimensions. It is, in fact, an amalgam of multiplicities – diverse, in the way we perceive it, explore it, come to terms with it and exhibit it. This diversity often emerges from the specificity of certain experiences – from how the intersections of class, race, caste, gender, queerness, religion, disability, (and more) may influence one’s sexuality or the external perceptions of one’s sexuality. This larger socio-cultural diversity also shapes the diversity within individuals – the entire universe of thoughts, beliefs, and ideologies that cause each person’s sexuality to manifest uniquely. The ‘light’ of an individual’s sexuality, hence, refracts into the diverse choices a person makes around their body, their sexual wellbeing, sex, and so on. Therefore, while diversity is multiplicity, it is also the inherent complexity within human sexuality, the diversely fluid ways in which our sexuality evolves over time and expands from our daily experiences and environments. The May issue of In Plainspeak attempts to examine these diverse prisms and the many-hued lights that emerge from them.We urge our contributors keep in mind our cross-cutting theme of expanding safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces while they write about issues of Diversity and Sexuality.

June – Class and Sexuality

Sexuality is never simply a sum total of personal revelations – sure, it is the amalgam of our desires, our identities, our expression, but it is also at odds with, or in tandem with various external social structures. Class, one such social structure, is deeply pervasive (though often insidiously so), determining our access, our privilege, our cultural milieu, our knowledge, and our agency, whether we’re aware of it or not. And with the changing degrees of access, privilege, knowledge, and agency, come variations in how we explore and experience sexuality; in how we can be empowered or be stripped of power in expressing our sexuality. And sometimes, our expressions of sexuality cause us to be placed on what may be considered a ‘lower rung on the class ladder’, as only too many sexual dissidents have experienced. While class lines can be divisive, there are also experiences that cut across lines, that are universal, and that connect us. And because our overarching theme for all forthcoming issues is to expand safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces, we look at that too in the June issue of In Plainspeak as we explore how class influences sexuality and vice versa.

July – Erotica and Sexuality

Erotica tends to evoke associations of the forbidden and scandalous, but also the immensely fascinating. In a world where honest conversations around sexuality are rare, where real stories of desire and pleasure are hard to come by, erotica is often our route to assuaging our sexual curiosities. Whether in print or online, whether consumed surreptitiously or openly, erotica is rich and diverse – offering a glimpse into an endless expanse of fantasies and possibilities. To some, it is instant gratification. To some, it is an active reclamation of narratives of sex, sexuality, sexual identity, and sexual wellbeing. To some, it is a reinforcing of the very same heteropatriarchal structures we’re looking to free ourselves from. But are such distinctions really necessary when erotica is essentially a subjective medium, or is it important to contemplate the kind of agency (or the lack thereof) erotica gives us? The July issue of In Plainspeak seeks to tackle these various questions around erotica, and attempts to examine its potential for being a safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming space.

August Mobility and Sexuality 2

We are perpetually in motion – changing, shifting, growing, migrating – never remaining at the same physical or emotional place we are in at a particular moment. Our sexuality too is never a constant– it may evolve over time, it may ‘move’ from one expression of it to another,it may be more freely expressed in one environment, or shied away from in another environment. Whether this mobility is defined by one’s physical ability to move, or by social and cultural factors (like one’s gender or sexual identity, one’s economic position, and so on) that inhibit or enable one’s access to spaces and services,it still directly influences the way one experiences and comes to terms with one’s sexuality. The degree to which one has the freedom to be ‘mobile’ in a space can often determine whether one’s sexuality can truly be expressed in the way one wants to express it and whether it can flourish. Reciprocally, one’s sexuality may also restrict or expand one’s mobility (physical, social, economic and so on).The August issue of In Plainspeak seeks to delve into how mobility and sexuality are interlinked, while also contemplating what the link between mobility and sexuality means in the context of creating safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

September – Privacy and Sexuality

“Privacy is the constitutional core of human dignity,” the Indian Supreme Court had declared in 2017, in a judgement that upheld the fundamental right to maintain personal boundaries, to be ‘left alone’, to not have our private choices (including those about sexuality) and private intimacies be scrutinised by external forces. On the other hand, “the personal is political,” said feminists in the ‘60s – that our private choices, modes of expression, and relationships, often have larger social consequences, and we cannot divorce the two. Privacy is, therefore, contentious.It is, many a times, a safe space, where sexuality and intimacy can flourish away from social norms and moral judgement, where bodies and desires can be free from patriarchal gaze. Privacy is often a privilege; being ‘left alone’ to your sexual choices is not easy when you belong at the margins, when numerous socio-cultural barriers prevent one from having privacy. In an increasingly digital age, privacy also intersects and collides with the public, leading us to broadcast deeply personal details of our lives for the whole world to see. How, then, does one find balance? How can privacy remain the ‘core of human dignity’ without falling prey to the external factors that threaten it? And most importantly, how does this impact the ways in which we experience and express our sexuality? The September issue of In Plainspeak explores these questions while also contemplating what the link between privacy and sexuality means in the context of creating safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

October  Masculinities and Sexuality

The elusive categories of “man” and “woman” are just that: categories. They are socially determined labels designed to cage us into very specific boxes, accompanied by very specific rules – for example, if you are labeled a “man”, you are expected to embody “masculinity” in the form of physical strength, virility, emotional toughness, and much more. And if you follow these rules, a world of access and privilege opens up, allowing you to evade both social scrutiny and censure. However, as quickly as this privilege is bestowed, it is as easily wrested away the moment you dare to break the rules, to challenge the binaries, to reject monolithic understandings of masculinity. But is it not that there are multiple masculinities, rather than a singular masculinity? Masculinities that are diverse and fluid, perpetually in flux, perpetually evolving, perpetually fashioning themselves differently in different contexts? When butch women construct their own idealised spheres of masculinity devoid of the toxic influence of patriarchal gender expression and gender roles, devoid of patriarchal “male” influence; when queer men strive to reject the very same gender roles; when labels cease to matter; when one’s exploration of desires, sexual dynamics, relationships, interactions with sexual partners, modes of pleasure, and enjoyment of sexuality are no longer contingent on arbitrary socially-imposed rules, the idea of masculinities being plural and diverse is affirmed. In the October issue of In Plainspeak, we explore how masculinities intersect with sexuality and how they can be expressed in safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming ways.

November  Spirituality and Sexuality

Spirituality is tied to both belief and experience. It is sometimes born out of religion or faith, but sometimes transcends it to stand for a higher form of knowledge, a sense of ecstasy or tranquility that goes beyond mortal comprehension and mortal control. It can both encompass and challenge worship, idolatry, tradition, and ritual – standing for something that is felt deep in your bones. Sexuality too, is a felt experience. The physical expression of sexual desire through sexual acts may itself replicate or be a manifestation of the kind of awakening and release that spirituality offers (a not-uncommon colloquialism sometimes describes intense orgasms as a ‘religious experience’). Even other aspects of sexuality – like sexual wellbeing, positive body image, consent, autonomy, relationships – can replicate experiences of spirituality, and/or be deeply influenced by spiritual ideologies. However, while to some, these linkages between spirituality and sexuality may feel liberating, to others, they may seem constrictive and oppressive. To some, associating sexuality with spirituality may be an act of reclaiming spirituality from the confines of regressive morality, to others, freeing sexuality from notions of spirituality altogether may be a more powerful act of reclamation. In the November’s In Plainspeak, we delve into these issues and also reflect upon how the linkages between spirituality and sexuality may help create (or in some cases, may hinder the creation of) safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

December – Human Rights and Sexuality

“Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of race, sex, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion, or any other status,” states the official United Nations definition. Since they are meant to be universal, cutting across both geographical and socio-cultural locations, these rights are intrinsically tied to our lived experiences, our identities, our choices, our actions, our freedoms, and our personal and social wellbeing. Sexuality, being an incontestable part of human experience, comes under the purview of human rights. The freedom of one’s sexual expression, the freedom to identify with a sexual orientation, the freedom to assert one’s reproductive and sexual rights, the freedom to marry who one wants to, the right to protection from discrimination and violence (and so on), are all human rights, and are essential to one’s sexual wellbeing. However, upholding these rights can sometimes be fraught with complexity and challenge. Institutions, in their laws and policies, may fail to universalise these rights – benefitting some individuals, leaving behind others. Even at a more personal, individual level, there may be dissonance, as when repression coexists with autonomy. The intersections and frictions between rights can also lead to complications, causing rifts within rights activism as well as leading to discrepancies in the way people conduct their lives. The December issue of In Plainspeakexplores the various interplays between Human Rights and Sexuality and how they affect safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.


Image of two butterflies on top of flower

JanuaryAnthology Issue

Sexuality-related issues are gaining increasing exposure in the public domain with happenings like the #MeToo Movement and the reading down of Section 377 and other progressive judgements and conversations.However,there are still many social norms and structural and attitudinal barriers that prevent people from being able to comfortably talk about sexuality, to comfortably be who they are, and to feel safe and free enough to experience their sexuality in an affirming way, free of fear, shame or taboo.What we need are Safe, Inclusive, Sexuality-Affirming spaces– SISA spaces. Spaces that are safe from judgment and violence, inclusive of diverse identities, expressions and experiences,and affirming of one’s sexuality-related choices.We can find and expand these spaces in multiple aspects of our life, be they public spaces, private relationships, or our engagement with and on the Internet. The idea of a SISA space could also be a prism through which we view sexuality and expand our possibilities for wellbeing. The notion of SISA has guided the way we have approached sexuality and through 2019, we encouraged In Plainspeak contributors and readers to consider SISA spaces as a cross-cutting theme.January 2020’s Anthology issue brings you articles, essays, and curated content not just from 2019 but also from past issues spanning the six years that In Plainspeak has been online, that look at safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces in various contexts and from different perspectives.

FebruarySexuality and Pleasure
Pleasure is deeply personal and subjective, often located within the intimate spaces of one’s physical and emotional sensations,of one’s desires and fantasies. And yet, pleasure is also political –a product of our lived experiences, our social conditioning,and of the external forces that shape and control us. While it is experienced uniquely and differently by every individual, the value systems that we grow up with and the value systems we adopt in our adult lives often determine our pursuit of it. These very value systems may either police pleasure, or encourage it, or keep all knowledge of it locked away from us entirely. Are we all at equal liberty to explore pleasure in the ways that we want? Are some sources of pleasure considered more ‘palatable’ and ‘appropriate’ than others? Do some individuals or groups of people have greater freedom, agency, or access than others when it comes to pursuing pleasure? How safely can one pursue pleasure, in a world where patriarchal structures reign, power is unequally distributed and the spectres of infection, violence and unwanted pregnancy lurk? The February issue of In Plainspeak addresses these questions (and more),attempting to unravel the threads which connect sexuality and pleasure, and explores the relationship between the two in the context of building safe, inclusive and sexuality-affirming spaces.

March –   Literature and Sexuality
The domain of the literary makes way for endless possibilities, where one can both escape to and create unknown worlds, away from the shackles of norms that repress us. It is where thought, and feeling, and expression can often find free reign and shape narratives of one’s own. But literature goes beyond fiction; it also encompasses true stories, factual stories, stories of our daily lives, stories of personal experiences. In a world that is increasingly influenced by and is centered around the online sphere, literature can also transcend the traditional mediums of print, its boundaries and definitions constantly expanding. Sexuality, too, is similarly diverse, encompassing within it multitudes of narratives and experiences. Hence, it is fitting that sexuality often seeks liberation in the realms of literature, where voices that are stifled by patriarchal norms and structures can flourish, resist oppressive systems, and find safe spaces of expression. For years, narratives around pleasure, desire, sexual fantasies, bodily autonomy, resistance, and rights have found space in literature, but at the same time, literature has also depicted sexuality in far from affirming ways. Hence, literature is a medium that can both subvert as well as mimic structures of oppression, and the way it is employed to represent sexuality can be, among other readings, deeply liberating or disturbingly restrictive. The March issue of In Plainspeak seeks to explore these dichotomies, specially in the context of how literature can help create safe, inclusive, sexually-affirming spaces.

April – Safety and Sexuality

The safety offered by one’s immediate physical location, or by one’s larger socio-cultural environment, or by one’s personal relationships (both with others and with oneself) may sometimes converge, and sometimes not. Sometimes, there’s safety in only one or two of these spaces, and sometimes, there’s no safety to be found at all considering how hostile the world can be to those who dare question norms. Sometimes individuals painstakingly create a sense of safety for themselves and others, and sometimes it may come as an attribute of  a given space. Notwithstanding the frisson of excitement that a degree of risk and danger may provide, sexuality calls for a certain minimum sense of safety in order to thrive. Be it in acts of sex where the lack of safety could translate into infections, unwanted pregnancies and even violence. Be it the safety or freedom one’s social and cultural milieu offer to facilitate an uninhibited exploration of sexuality on one’s own terms. The feeling of safety is linked to the shaping of an individual’s identity, desires, and expressions of sexuality. If one doesn’t feel safe, making independent choices, negotiating consent, practicing safer sex, and enjoying one’s sexuality become increasingly more complex and difficult. Hence, the continuous interplay of safety (or the lack thereof) in the various physical, social, personal and emotional spaces we inhabit profoundly affects our sexuality. The April issue of In Plainspeak explores this relationship between safety and sexuality, especially in the context of building and fostering safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.  

May –  Dating and Sexuality
‘Dating’ is a descriptor of a relationship as well as an activity. When one says that two (or more) people are dating, it could imply that they are in a romantic or sexual relationship. The word ‘dating’ could also be shorthand for the entire spectrum of experiences that revolve around meeting a person (going out on a date, so to say), getting to know them, assessing their potential as a possible romantic or sexual partner, and then entering into a relationship with them. Now, in an increasingly technologically-informed world, the definitions and boundaries of dating are expanding. When a single swipe on an online app can indicate interest in a potential partner, the range of experiences that can constitute ‘dating’ becomes more amorphous and more dynamic. And yet, in both the offline and online versions of dating, issues of consent and safety, pleasure and desire, agency and choice (and more) constantly interplay, intimately affecting each experience one has in the process of dating. In May’s issue of In Plainspeak, we attempt to parse out this complex interplay of issues and experiences that surrounds ‘dating’, and how these could influence and be influenced by the building of safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

JuneHealth and Sexuality
In the times of a global pandemic, health is continuously at the forefront of everyone’s concerns. The current pandemic is again exposing how so many of us have internalised fear-based messages about health and how our concerns revolve only around disease-prevention or recovery rather than around a holistic sense of physical and emotional wellbeing at all times. Yet, health is so essential to our life that without it so many aspects of our daily existence can come to a standstill. One such aspect is sexuality, which is intricately linked to health – whether it be sexual health (prevention of sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy, genital health, and so on), reproductive health (safe abortion, surrogacy, maternal health, etc), mental health, or beyond. Availability of and access to proper infrastructure and healthcare services like sanitation, clean, germ-free and stigma-free environments, accurate information and awareness, non-judgmental medical institutions, to name a few, as well as people-centered laws and policies also determine not only the degree of people’s health, but also the degree to which they can formulate notions about their sexuality and find safe avenues of exploring it. Health and wellbeing are in part a result of the ways in which we practice physical and emotional intimacy (both with oneself and with others), and there is no greater proof of it than now, in these times of physical distancing and self-quarantining and the complexities and nuances they bring to expressions of one’s sexuality. The June issue of In Plainspeak attempts to expand the understandings of health from disease-prevention and treatment to notions of wellness and wellbeing, and seeks to explore their impact on sexuality especially in the context of building safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

July – Young People and Sexuality
Growing up can be an exciting and yet tumultuous experience. The period of adolescence, specifically, when grappling with bodily changes while at the same time trying to formulate one’s own identity and personality, can be fraught with both joy and confusion. One receives various messages around sexuality, sexual health, and sex itself, from the kind of conversations (or the lack thereof) that surround one, while simultaneously attempting to make sense of one’s own desires, attractions, and fantasies. Yet, in a society where sexuality is largely stigmatised, where adequate information isn’t readily available, where safe spaces too aren’t always available, the process of understanding, coming to terms with, and exploring one’s sexuality can prove difficult. Even beyond adolescence and into early adulthood, conversations or resources around sexuality might be scant, and dealing with the plethora of issues that come with one’s exploration of sexuality – consent, safer sex practices, experiencing attraction (queer or otherwise), and so on, can continue to be challenging. But, now in India, perhaps the needle is shifting. More than 34% of our population is in the age range of 15 to 34 years and many of them are increasingly finding avenues to gain greater exposure, challenge norms and express themselves more authentically. The Internet is one such avenue among many others. The July issue of In Plainspeak delves into the nuances of the issues young people face while navigating their sexuality in today’s world, and how safe, inclusive and sexuality-affirming spaces can augment their processes and experiences of embracing and enjoying their sexuality.

AugustInnovations and Sexuality
With science and technology advancing at a rapid pace, it often feels like the world we live in is constantly driven by innovation. Whether it is the infinite possibilities the Internet offers to us, or medical inventions that have enhanced the quality of life, or artificial intelligence which is changing the way we perceive both machines and human beings, scientific and technological innovations are everywhere. Their influence on sexuality, too, is undeniable. We have technology to aid the very processes of sex or sexual pleasure like the manufacture of sex toys, robotic arms for masturbation, and so on, and at the same time, the Internet has made information on sexuality as well as visual mediums like pornography more readily available (though of course, whether or not these are reliable modes of disseminating information on sexuality is a different debate altogether). Innovations have also made it possible for people from various parts of the world to connect online with each other, and to potentially develop romantic or sexual intimacies. Scientific innovations have also greatly bolstered sexual, reproductive and maternal health, be it through assisted reproductive technologies, the manufacture of contraceptives, and more. And this is just the tip of the iceberg; technology and the innovations that arise from it have an inextricable relationship with the way we presently experience sexuality, in ways both big and small. The August issue of In Plainspeak attempts to explore this relationship between innovations and sexuality, and what it means in the context of the building of safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

SeptemberLaw and Sexuality
Law governs our lives in both direct and indirect ways, setting down frameworks of behaviour, of rights and of personal freedoms. On principle, law also indicts that which it considers ‘criminal’, ‘immoral’, or a societal ‘threat’. But when law-making authorities hold the ultimate power to shape what is considered legal, and subsequently, what is considered the ‘norm’, do voices from the margins get adequately heard? Some countries in the global South have implemented anti-abortion laws, anti-LGBTQ laws, laws that jeopardise the agency of women, laws that do not foreground choice, laws that codify both gender and sexuality in binary terms – all of which have furthered stigmas against queerness, sexual and reproductive agency, and more. And yet, everything has not been bleak. Important legal developments like the decriminalisation of same-sex sexual acts in India, the allowing of women into the Sabarimala Temple (challenging age-old menstrual taboos), the legalisation of gay marriage in Taiwan, and so on, prove how laws can not only bolster the individual freedoms of marginalised communities, but can also shift and challenge what is ‘normal’ and what is ‘moral’. This is a dangerous precipice for law (as an institution) to stand on the edge of, and perhaps the only way we, as citizens, can hold it accountable and ensure that its power does not spiral out of control, is to be aware, critical and analytical of the laws and policies which govern our lives. The September issue of In Plainspeak attempts to do exactly this, examining the impact law has on sexuality and sexual and reproductive rights, and whether the right laws and policies can foster and uphold the creation of safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

OctoberRisk and Sexuality
‘Risk’ is a word loaded with connotations – often associated with danger, with violence, with disease, often invoked while taking a protectionist approach to sexuality, to warn people from engaging in certain behaviours. Yet, taking risks can also be a feminist act, instrumental in both reclaiming agency and resisting patriarchal norms. The freedom to take risks can become a radical means for marginalised communities to seek to control their own narratives, to normalise spaces where they are seen, heard and respected. By claiming visibility and mobility in public spaces, by taking risks in the bedroom, by indulging in desires and fantasies society labels ‘risky’, by ‘risking’ being openly queer in a world where queerness is often stigmatised, and more, the status quos that govern our existence, that slot us into tight boxes, that seek to ‘protect’ us rather than empower us, can be challenged in infinite ways. However, one cannot dismiss the not-so-empowering aspects of risk – the risk of sexual violence, of sexually transmitted infections, of stigma and discrimination, of being ostracised for who you are or who you love. The October issue of In Plainspeak attempts to delve into these several connotations of risk and how they interact with sexuality, and also, whether ‘risk’ fosters or hinders the creation of safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.

NovemberSupports Systems and Sexuality
On some level, no individual can truly thrive without support – whether it be physical, emotional, or beyond. We are beings that crave comfort, solidarity, that crave to be acknowledged and loved. Support makes us feel less lonely, and affirms our sense of self, our beliefs, our personalities. Support systems, whether in the form of immediate family, friends and co-workers, or in the form of the mechanisms created by the larger structures of the state and society, are essential for us to both feel good about ourselves, and to feel good about the spaces we inhabit. And yet, for people of marginalised identities including queer and transgender people, support systems may take different shapes and forms. For them, state-mandated laws or societal attitudes may not offer enough support, and their definition of family or community might not be based on biological ties and might expand to informal support groups as well as online networks. For persons with disability or people of advanced age, support can manifest in the form of a caregiver from within or outside the family who takes care of one’s physical needs. The kind of support a person has affects the way they experience their sexuality. From a very young age, the support (or lack thereof) offered by one’s immediate environment may shape one’s understanding of sexuality and influence whether or not they internalise positive or negative messages around sex, pleasure, bodies, and so on. Similarly, the presence or absence of a support system can influence whether or not certain aspects of one’s sexuality can find free expression, whether one can explore diverse sexual practices, and whether one can pursue one’s desires. The November issue of In Plainspeak explores whether our support systems offer us a safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming space and promote sexual wellbeing.

DecemberFemininities and Sexuality
Gender is a spectrum with many colours and we perceive new hues as our ideas about gender evolve. And so it is with our ideas about feminity; or rather of femininities. It isn’t about ‘girliness’ (in fact, what is ‘girliness’ in the first place? Who even is ‘girl’?), or a certain standard of beauty or physical appearance, a certain style of clothing, makeup, a particular body type, etc. The notion of femininities isn’t even restricted to a particular gender. It can be an experience, a state of being, a feeling that comes from within, as well as a performance. Hence, there are multiple femininities, and multiple horizons of experience associated with these femininities  There are experiences of misogyny in various shapes and forms, there are experiences that are associated with the body and are also irrespective of the kind of body you inhabit, as well as irrespective of the gender assigned to you at birth. that influence one’s exploration of desire, of pleasure, of body image, and of sexual and romantic relationships. In a patriarchal world, where misogyny abounds, are all manifestations of femininities equally denigrated or are particular expressions of femininity valued?  The spectrum of femininities intersects with sexuality in more ways than one can count, and the December issue of In Plainspeak attempts to explore these intersections, especially in the context of how they affect safe, inclusive, sexuality-affirming spaces.


January Anthology Issue
Faced with a pandemic in 2020, we were reminded to reimagine wellbeing as more than the absence of disease and rather as a mosaic, its many differently coloured tiles together constituting an intricate and interconnected whole. Wellbeing may consist in living in alignment with who we truly are and feeling fulfilled, freely expressing our sexuality, or even being able to run 10 kilometres at a go. Though unique to each one of us, our wellbeing is affected by some overarching aspects such as our physical and mental health, our self-image, and our relationships. Sexual wellbeing includes not only sexual and reproductive health but also expressing and experiencing sexuality safely, positively, and pleasurably. At a time when we are witnessing violence (sexual and otherwise) and uncertainty in our world, we probe wellbeing again – how might we care for ourselves, especially while caring for one another, and cultivate practices and spaces which may contribute to a sense of wellbeing? In our anthology issue in January 2021 we republish In Plainspeak articles from previous years about what wellbeing means to our contributors.

February Singlehood and Sexuality
We live in a culture organised around relationships. We are told finding ‘The One’ is integral to our well-being; our ‘soulmate’ will intuitively understand as well as fulfill all our emotional, sexual, and material needs and desires. Our engagement with dating is expected to culminate in cisgender-heterosexual marriage, but what if we aren’t looking to live ‘happily ever after’ with another person? Singlehood carries stigma – of being lonely, materialistic, selfish, sexually restricted or ‘unlucky in love’. However, not all of us seek companionship within a heterosexual and monogamous framework. We may not consider love or commitment a prerequisite to engaging in sexual activity; we may simply be ‘single and not looking to mingle’; we may express and experience intimacy outside of romantic and/or sexual relationships. When our self-worth is considered to be inextricably tied to having and being desired by a partner, being single may be an assertion of our agency against patriarchal norms around legitimate relationships, sexual behaviour, and family. In the February issue of In Plainspeak, we attempt to delve into these aspects of singlehood and how they relate to our socio-economic location, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability status.

MarchAgeing and Sexuality
Juxtaposed against the broad category of youth, older adulthood is often considered as a period of decline instead of a stage as complex and full as any other in our life. Socio-cultural negativity around sexuality and ageing make the physical, psychological, and psychosexual changes that come as we grow older, unnecessarily difficult to deal with. As older adults we may be made to feel that our desires are superfluous and undignified, and our sexual performance is diminishing or compromised, as is our desirability. When we are older, our relationships, especially those which are romantic, are often portrayed as devoid of sexual passion and instead, as hingeing on companionship and caregiving, which is fine if that indeed be the case. However, sexuality may be as intrinsic to our relationship with ourselves and the world as we grow older, and with the confidence that comes with life experience and self-awareness, may be even more authentically expressed and enjoyed. In the March 2021 issue of In Plainspeak, we examine the place sexuality occupies in our life as we grow older, how it relates to our self-expression, relationships, and sexual and reproductive health and rights, and how notions of sexual wellbeing in older adulthood may be expanded.

April – Vulnerability and Sexuality
Vulnerability is often associated with the threat of emotional or physical hurt, disease (amplified now in a COVID-19 affected world) and violence. Where, with whom, and in what circumstances we feel safe, affects not only our interpersonal relationships and the spaces and services we access but also our relationship with ourselves. However, is the goal of identifying vulnerability simply safety? And, does the search for safety limit or free us in living fully and authentically? While exploring ourselves and the world, we open ourselves up to new and different experiences, places, and people. On the one hand, we may find ourselves rendered vulnerable while engaging with someone sexually and/or romantically, moving cities, travelling alone, or even while dealing with personal adversity. On the other, intentionally allowing ourselves to be vulnerable may be an act of asserting agency in the choices we make and the boundaries we establish or consciously yield around our self-expression, sexuality, bodily integrity, and relationships. The April issue of In Plainspeak attempts to explore vulnerability and sexuality and its interaction with age, caste, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation, and socio-economic location.

MayData and Sexuality
As technological advancements narrow the gap between our online and offline lives, our everyday actions become sources of data. From biometrics, facial recognition software, and CCTV cameras to our health and financial records, location, and search histories – avenues for collecting data as well as utilising this data are endless. Although presented as error-free, neutral and objective, the data collected (and about whom) are influenced by context. And because our world is constructed upon inequalities, data might enhance the lives of some and push already marginalised identities and communities further away. With regard to sexuality, questions around privacy, consent, anonymity, surveillance, and other such issues, arise. And, if we express and experience sexuality outside of the norm, are we rendered more vulnerable to being targeted, surveilled, and regulated? In Plainspeak’s May issue questions the reach and impact of data on our sexual and reproductive wellbeing and rights, and attempts to imagine a more consent-based and equal digital future.

June – Representation and Sexuality
Drawing from the oft-discussed conundrum ‘If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?’ we ask: How might we be truly and meaningfully seen and heard, especially if we do not find accurate or adequate representation in mainstream discourse? Representation is a broad term – it might mean political legitimacy of our gender identity and sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion and so on, inclusivity in decision-making processes, highlighting narratives of identities and communities which are marginalised, and portraying sexuality openly and authentically. Our lived experience as well as what we are told by way of religious and/or moral tenets, popular culture, and even advertising, shape the way we look at and interact with our socio-cultural-political milieu. And, while representation may influence how we perceive things, we are not passive consumers of it – we can bring to it a critical eye, point to what’s missing, and if we don’t like what’s on offer we can demand or create other representations. In the June issue of In Plainspeak we explore how representation (and even misrepresentation, or none at all!) may affirm or violate our sexual rights and the assertion of our individual and collective identity.

July – Sexuality and Self-care
People in caring roles, people like us, activists, human rights defenders, home care providers, health care personnel, amongst many other care-givers, tend to work tirelessly. Immersed as we are in the immediate demands of care-provision, we often have very little time and energy to take care of ourselves. Public health emergencies like the current COVID-19 (and HIV and AIDS forty years ago, and still counting) and socio-political, human-made and natural disasters add to our already heavy burden. For those of us who work on fraught issues of sexuality and sexual rights, with the very nature of our work looked askance at, self-care can seem like an indulgence, a frivolity, especially given the current capitalisation of the ‘wellness industry’ (an oxymoron, to begin with). However, self-care, in its truest sense, is not a commodity, but a radical act rooted in the politics of inter-connectedness. If in doing the work that we do, we flounder in eddies of tiredness, hopelessness, dejection or apathy and consequently have nothing joyful left to offer to ourselves or to another, what’s the point?  What’s the Point of Revolution, if We Can’t Dance?  ask Jane Barry and Jelena Djordjevic in their 2008 book on sustaining the wellbeing of women human rights activists.
What is it that we do for ourselves to keep going, to take care of ourselves, to practice intentional self-care? Exercise? Meditate? Get enough sleep? Reach out to our friends?  Practice saying ‘no’? Build solidarity with others? Enjoy the pleasures that our body gives us? What else? The July issue of In Plainspeak dares us to dance, to transmute dejection to delight, and to tell our stories of how in caring for ourselves we expand the possibilities of caring for others and realising our vision of a world where all people enjoy their rights.

August – Disability and Sexuality
In most of the world, if we fall to the left of the bell-shaped curve of statistical normalcy in terms of our physical, cognitive, emotional, social and/or relational functioning we are regarded as being disabled. In mainstream discourse, sexuality is mainly understood through the experiences of non-disabled people, overlooking the rich and complex sexual lives that people with disabilities can and do enjoy. Socio-cultural stigma around disability poses challenges to people with disabilities in being recognised as sexual beings with desires, fantasies, feelings, and expectations, and in having their sexual and reproductive health care needs met and their rights upheld. Compounding factors such as gender, socio-economic location, gender identity, and sexual orientation, amongst others, influence access to resources in material terms as well as to resources in terms of choices and opportunities. Expressing one’s sexuality in the face of such odds is an assertion of agency and bodily integrity as well as of the right to experience a self-affirming and enjoyable sexuality. The August issue of In Plainspeak explores the intersections between disability, sexuality, and rights, and how people with disabilities may experience sexual wellbeing.

September – Intersectionality and Sexuality
Distinct and overlapping aspects of our actual and perceived identity, such as gender, age, class, caste, dis/ability, and sexual orientation, to name a few, affect how we are received in the world. In other words, our privileges and oppressions are an intricate network woven on the basis of where we are seen to be located on different dimensions. And so, whether we can assert agency in our sexual lives, access healthcare services, safely express our gender identity and sexual orientation, and in other ways enjoy our sexual and reproductive rights, depends on the interplay of multiple factors. Intersectionality emphasises the interconnections of the freedoms and opportunities we access, and our privileges and marginalisations. The September issue of In Plainspeak considers intersectionality as an evolving and dynamic concept, and explores its potential in not only cultivating safe, inclusive and self-affirming spaces in the context of gender and sexuality, but also in imagining a world organised around shared values of feminist social justice.

October – Labour and Sexuality
What we are expected to do and how, and the compensation and recognition we receive for our labour are influenced by socio-cultural attitudes around gender, disability, caste, class, and so on. And because our parameters to assess labour and to reward it, such as productivity or recompense, do not take into account the infinite permutations and combinations of our unique location in our context and therefore whether or not we can exercise agency, enjoy choice and freedoms, and have access to opportunities, not all aspects of our labour – be it sitting at a desk for eight hours or being in the fields at the crack of dawn, or cooking and cleaning, or even lending a patient ear – are considered ‘useful’, ‘productive’, or ‘work’ at all. The October issue of In Plainspeakattempts to tie together physical, domestic, reproductive, emotional, creative, and other forms of labour with sexuality, and explore its interplay with leisure, bodily autonomy and integrity, interpersonal relationships, and sexual and reproductive health and rights.

November – Fandom and Sexuality
Fandom is a community forged around shared enthusiasm for a particular aspect of popular culture, be it literature, film/television, music, art, sport, and what have you! Fandom is a space of belongingness, of unrestrained expression, of subverting conventions, of exploring the taboo, and of resisting hetero-patriarchy and imagining, in its place, a world vibrant with an array of gender identities, sexual orientations, and expressions. Scaffolded by an interest of its members in the canon, i.e., the original/source material, fandom brims with creative avenues of engagement in fanfiction, fanart, videos, songs, cosplay, and so on, where anything and everything is possible – from the romantic and the erotic, to the spiritual and the magical. In the November issue of In Plainspeak, we explore the potential of fandom as a safe, inclusive, and self-affirming space in the context of gender and sexuality

December – Play and Sexuality
Play takes us away from our sometimes all-too-serious lives, especially as the world in which we live roils with social and political worries. Play nudges us to tread lightly, to consciously make room for delight, to explore and reveal our vulnerabilities, to bring to life our imagination, to flirt with propriety, and to trust. Our fantasies and desires, performance of our gender identity, our engagement with pleasure by ourselves and with others in expressing our sexual self and likes and dislikes, drawing boundaries, and sharing intimacy are among the boundless domains of play in sexuality. In these safe and positive spaces of play, we can experience our sexuality freely and authentically, resist convention and assert our agency and bodily autonomy. The December issue of In Plainspeak delves into the potential of play as self-affirming in the context of gender and sexuality, subversive, and physically, emotionally, and spiritually fulfilling.


JanuarySISA Spaces and Sexuality
Imagine a space where we are free to be authentically ourselves, to love who and how we want, to feel accepted, connected, and supported, and to assert ourselves against heteropatriarchal expectations around gender and sexuality. In a world riven with violences and marginalisations, safe, inclusive, and self-affirming (SISA) spaces in the context of gender and sexuality bring to life the shared feminist vision of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and wellbeing. Celebrating plurality, SISA spaces make room for multiple identities, lived experiences, and perspectives. SISA spaces encourage us to look within, to engage with and learn from one another, to hold space, and to evolve. In the January anthology issue of In Plainspeak, we bring you a collection of older articles around SISA spaces and sexuality, and attempt to discover newer ways of forging and expanding such spaces.

FebruarySexuality and Coupledom
Wading through the dating pool, we are expected to pair off – one man, one woman, get married, and raise children. Romantic relationships within a hetero-patriarchal set-up are tangled in ideas of ‘soulmates’ and ‘forever’. Instead of The One, what if we choose to seek The Two, or even The Three with whom we can forge fulfilling emotional, sexual, and material connections? Or, being asexual, maybe no one at all for sex, but still luxuriate in intimacy? In exploring relationships outside the bounds of socio-political and cultural legitimacy by experimenting with and expressing sexuality in ways we find meaningful is an assertion of agency, bodily autonomy, and selfhood against patriarchal norms around relationships and family. The February issue of In Plainspeak attempts to examine coupledom in our social context, and unearth its possibilities.

March –Celebrating Sexuality
This issue brings us to the lovely round number of 100! Over the last eight years, dear readers, we’ve been through a lot together. Some good things, like an ever-expanding understanding of sexuality and the reading down of Section 377, and some horrible ones, like Covid-19 and its drastic effects. Mostly, we humans tend to forget the happier times and stay mired in the unhappy ones, maybe because the latter throw up survival challenges. But for this issue, we would like to fiercely hold on to joy, to hope, and to celebrating sexuality. Sexuality is a core aspect of the self, integral to our identities and relationships. The self is a connected wholeness of who we are, who we think we ought to be, would like to be and who others accept, or don’t accept. Our sexuality, thus, may be a deeply self-affirming aspect of life, or one that is fraught. While we seek the opportunity of celebrating sexuality in physical, emotional, intellectual, spiritual, individual and collective ways, amongst others, many of us do not have the safety, privilege, or legitimacy to do so. And so, as we put on our party hats and sing and dance, we also ask, who gets invited and who is left out? Is celebrating sexuality easier for some than for others? What makes it so and what do we need to make celebrating sexuality  possible, safe and inclusive for everyone? How do we, all of us, nurture resilience, find joy, and keep celebrating sexuality?

April – Spaces and Sexuality
Spaces are richly layered, unique aspects of life. There are more spaces than there are people on this planet. ‘I’m in a good space’ is a simple way of saying that many different things are working to one’s advantage. The opposite could mean overwhelm, confusion, lack of support, stress, incapacity or physical or psychosocial disability. A space is a location unique to a person, and also unique to communities. This location is a combination of many factors we navigate and negotiate through our lives. Our sexuality and gender expression and identity are key amongst those elements. Immediate first thoughts about one’s space may include safety and security, comfort zones, the environment, the physical self, gender, age, ability and disability, support, privileges, opportunities, constraints, boundaries, identity, health and wellbeing, head space, heart space, relationships, and work,  amongst many other such. These and other elements combine differently, for each of us, and some of them are also ever-changing. What does this do to our understanding of the way life works out for us, our bodies, identity, safety and security, access to resources and support, decisions and agency? In these times we live in, the greatest common factor we are all adjusting to is a pandemic and yet we know that a pandemic does not affect us all in the same way. This is because the spaces we’re in are not the same. The safety and supportiveness of spaces have become a prominent part of many conversations and changing practices today. For example, negotiating or offering work from home has become as important as asking whether home is a safe space for everyone. This issue of In Plainspeak focuses on spaces in the context of sexuality, perspectives on safety and inclusion, and the affirmation of rights.

May – Movement and Sexuality 
What is movement? Some may immediately think of the body, to raise an arm, stretch, walk in the park. Others may think of physical ability and mobility, what it takes if you use a walking aid, to leave a bed and go to the bathroom. So movement involves shift and a changed state of being, from here to there! How and where does movement connect to sexuality? Yes, this may lead to immediate visions of sex and sexual, again involving the physical being. We know that sexuality, integral to life and identity, is more than sex, more than physical body. Is it possible that movement too has more to it? Reflecting upon this expanded understanding of movement, a range of possibilities come to mind. Moving from one place to another, travel, migration, or just commuting to work when not working online as the pandemic has caused many people to do. Then is there a movement of emotion, mind, and spirit also involved? Movement in social, professional, economic, psychosocial ways, involves personal decisions and desires, as also constraints imposed by the environment around us. Movement can empower, and the lack of it can inhibit, individuals and entire communities. Law, society, community, money, inclusion, discrimination, ableism, gender stereotyping, patriarchy, any number of these factors operating in different and interconnected ways impact both movement and sexuality. The May issue of In Plainspeak explores movement, in all of its diverse meanings and implications, finding connections with sexuality and our deepest selves.

June Special Issue on Sexuality, Mental Health, Wellbeing, and Self-care

September Mental Health and Sexuality
The fascinating intricacies of the human mind play an integral role in our daily navigations of sexuality. This can range from how we experience and engage with ourselves, our interpersonal relationships and the world around us, to the anxieties that we may have regarding the ways in which we express ourselves, our desires and fantasies, our intimate relationships, and so on. These are, of course, influenced by our larger cultural, political and socio-economic contexts. Taboos around sexuality, combined with heteronormative ideals that privilege the gender binary and heterosexual long-term monogamous relationships, make sexuality fraught. People perceived as deviating from norms of sexuality and gender may be particularly vulnerable to mental health issues because of discrimination and marginalisation. Also, people working on issues of sexuality and rights may often experience stress and burnout as they deal with the difficult life situations of others. Fortunately, resourceful as the human mind and spirit are, people also display amazing creativity and resilience in their navigations of sexuality. This issue of In Plainspeak attempts to explore the intricate connections between sexuality and mental health, and how we can create safe, inclusive and self-affirming spaces be it through support systems, self- and collective care, trauma-informed therapy, queer affirmative therapy, and other such modalities, or the quotidian spaces and connections where we find comfort and solace.

October & November – Connections and Sexuality
As social beings, we thrive on connections – with our family, our friends, colleagues, acquaintances, and even a momentary connection with a stranger. Our connections can provide safe spaces for us to freely and joyfully experience and express ourselves, to explore our desires and fantasies, to be intimate and vulnerable, to love in various ways; these are all varied aspects of our sexuality. Of course, connections are dynamic and free-flowing. Each of us experiences connections in different ways, and different connections have different places in our lives. Connections can also be difficult to form and sustain. Also, some sorts of connections, for example romantic or sexual ones, are given a higher significance than others like friendship. For individuals who do not conform to dominant ableist heteropatriarchal norms, forming safe and affirmative connections can be difficult due to neglect, discrimination and marginalisation. Especially in the time of a global pandemic, where we have been compelled to be in isolation for the sake of our own and others’ well-being, connections have become increasingly fraught and shape-shifting. How can we then explore innovative ways to form and sustain connections at a time when the world is not only being forced into isolation, but loneliness is also becoming a persistent condition of our heavily globalised era? Moreover, what kinds of boundaries of consent, autonomy and integrity must we navigate in our connections? What bearing does all this have on our sexuality and rights? This issue of In Plainspeak seeks to illuminate these multifaceted relationships between sexuality and connections.

December – Queering Sexuality
From the moment we are born, we are expected to conform to existing dynamics of power and privilege and to heteronormative standards – how we express ourselves, whom we are allowed to have relationships with, and so on. Queering pushes us to question and destabilise these norms and assumptions and to embrace the multiplicities of the self. Hence, ways of queering are fluid and dynamic. Queering is about what we do, rather than who we are; we may identify as queer, but if we are propping up convention without questioning, we are not queering the system. For a lot of us, queering offers a framework to survive by challenging and questioning our politics and identities, our positionality, as well as the spaces that we can access. Queering also goes beyond the self. It is a social as well as interpersonal framework to process and respond to the internal and external worlds we inhabit on a day-to-day basis. Anything can be queered – spaces, connections, the performance of our selves and our bodies, language, etc. This opens up possibilities for (self)acceptance, resistance, as well as play. However, we also need to consider questions of agency and privilege that can allow queering practices to exist without violence, or the co-optation and exploitation by neo-liberal capitalism and pink-washing. This issue of In Plainspeak explores how, through Queering Sexuality, we can continue to interrogate and disrupt normative meanings and to embrace multiplicities in order to build safe, inclusive and self-affirming spaces for personal and collective well-being.