वेरोनिका विडाल व् सुज़न टोलमे द्वारा संपादकीय नोट – इन प्लेनस्पीक के इस अंक में हम ‘समुदाय एवं यौनिकता’ के…
My entire life has been a struggle of confused identities. I stood at the intersection of gay, Muslim and economic privilege.
After writing the words “Community and Sexuality” as the working title of this piece, I attempted to begin writing many…
Who fights, who flees and who flows with the tide? Branching off from the community, with all the comforts that it offers, can become a true test of character.This year marks the 70th anniversary of the Partition of India – a significant chapter in our history when millions of people were faced with this dilemma.
In this issue of In Plainspeak, we interview Pawan Dhall, Founding Trustee of Varta Trust, queer activist, writer and social researcher. He is also the editor of the Varta webzine, promoting and sustaining dialogue on gender and sexuality, across diverse groups of people. As Pawan says, “We are all strung together on a spectrum of gender and sexuality, and we don’t have to be fixed at a single point on the spectrum throughout our lives.”
I do not feel the need to fight the feminist war within these spaces all the time, now that it has become my home. I have come to terms with the idea that certain contradictions can co-exist peacefully like the yin and yang. But still, sometimes, my mind is roiled in conflict, with me cautiously trying to balance my two identities – the feminist and the army officer’s wife. Nevertheless, I am unwilling to give up one for the other (even if I might be perceived as being less of one of them). So I continue to be an individual with two seeming contradictions: a feminist army-officer’s-wife!
Let me begin with a confession. I have always loved the idea of marriage. What is one to do when…
In many societies, women are assigned the role of ‘protecting’ or upholding tradition and culture. Their movements, behaviour and conversations…
शुरुआत में ही स्वीकार लेता हूँ की मुझे शादियों का बहुत शौक़ है। जब अपनी राजनैतिक सोच और व्यक्तिगत…
Community – your friends, family, neighbours – can be a source of great strength and support. However, in exchange for…
Our desire to connect is perhaps one of the human aspirations that both Sexuality and the Internet serve. And with the Internet we now have new ways, unthought of even twenty years ago, of connecting with each other, and even at times with ourselves, finding aspects of our selves that we did not know existed.
Leaving Michael’s apartment one Tuesday morning, I smiled and said, “Have a good class today.” That may not sound like…
The internet is playing a major role in activism in the Valley, and love and relationships too Onaiza Drabu Since…
Anja speaks with Shikha Aleya about the spread of digital surveillance into almost every aspect of our lives, its implications and what we need to do about it.
Online dating websites and apps are one of those technological innovations that people did not think would ever do well….