Issue In Focus
Look sharp. Consent is tricky, hiding secrets behind the empowerment toolkit and all our good intentions. Why? Because we activate this value-loaded word in a world where many, or most things, are still about the first-mover advantage. A world that holds typically narrow views of capacity, ability and success.
How would we see the world really, if we were open to the idea that it is not purpose but play that drives us to seek companionship, be it an orchid seeking a pollinator or a human seeking another?
आख़िरकार, व्यापक यौनिकता शिक्षा का मतलब सिर्फ़ ज्ञान देना ही नहीं है। हम ऐसे सक्षम शिक्षक चाहते हैं जो हमारे यौन अनुभवों को संबोधित करने के लिए कला, नृत्य, संगीत, रंगमंच जैसे कई तरीक़ों को शामिल करते हैं और हमें आगे जाकर ऐसे अनुभवों के लिए तैयार करते हैं।
The patriarchy is petrified of gender fluidity. Not only does the femininomenon threaten the modes of sex-based binaries, but it also undermines sexist hierarchies.
काम और यौनिकता? इस तरह से देखें तो यह आपकी पूरी ज़िंदगी है।
We need to expand the way we look at work, the workplace and the human being, understanding our approach to sexuality, society and each other.
If you’ve got a body, in which you’re going to negotiate this life, you have to know how it works.
In this great repository of the human collective consciousness and exposure lies a wealth of tacit knowledge of COVID-19 that is independent of the subject expert.
The relationships that are portrayed in queer media also often transcend all attempts at categorisation, but are still undeniably queer – as are the characters whose inescapable push-and-pull, to their audience, often becomes the plot itself.
I was not simply stuck within the binaries of “same-sex” or “opposite sex,” assuming that any reference to “same-sex” is in itself already revolutionary. But the call to recognise friendship, is a call to recognise so many forms of community that are made invisible by the emphasis within a liberal or conservative framework on “marriage” as the only path to family making.
That offline patriarchal norms are travelling online – lock, stock and barrel. Digital technologies may appear to be gender-neutral, but floating below their waters is the whole kit and caboodle of patriarchy.
Fashion is a language that expresses survival, rebellion, freedom, visibility and invisibility, identity, representation and inclusion.
After all, comprehensive sexuality education is also not just about knowledge giving. We want experiential educators who include the modalities of art, dance, music, theatre, etc., to address our lived sexual experiences.
Food is some sort of extension of our bodies, our identities, and therefore food and sexuality intersect in a myriad ways.
Body + a million This article: written, read, edited, uploaded on to the internet, heard using assistive software, converted into…