A digital magazine on sexuality, based in the Global South: We are working towards cultivating safe, inclusive, and self-affirming spaces in which all individuals can express themselves without fear, judgement or shame
No two human bodies are alike, and our different bodies arouse curiosity. But our fascination for the aesthetics of the perfect human body has historically created a space within art, science and religion for the examination of the ‘abnormal’ and the ‘imperfect’. As a result, some bodies are normalised while others become oddities. Freak Shows, and to a large extent, circuses and even exhibits in medical or anthropological museums particularly stand out for dehumanising and objectifying these different anatomies, and oftentimes subjecting these bodies to violence and discrimination.
और एक बार फिर यहाँ कार्निवाल को सफलता मिलती है। सबसे पहले ही एपिसोड में, ‘सामान्य’ नायक बेन, जो टेंट लगा कर अपनी मज़दूरी कमाते हैं, पहली बार छिपकली मानव गेको से टकराते हैं। गेको को त्वचा रोग है जिसके कारण पूरे शरीर में उनकी त्वचा पर मोटी, हीरे के आकार की, फीकी पपड़ी सी बन जाती है। इसके अलावा, उनकी कड़े बालों की पूँछ है।
No two human bodies are alike, and our different bodies arouse curiosity. But our fascination for the aesthetics of the perfect human body has historically created a space within art, science and religion for the examination of the ‘abnormal’ and the ‘imperfect’. As a result, some bodies are normalised while others become oddities.