हमें नहीं बनना महान
हमें इंसान ही रहने दो।
Maraa means ‘tree’ in Kannada and it is the nature of a tree that we wish to embody, with strong roots, branches in different directions, growing tall but also wilting, dying and beginning again.
मेरे जेंडर के बारे में उनकी प्रतिकारिता हमारी बातचीत में हर जगह होती है, लेकिन वह मुझे यह भरोसा देने में भी देर नहीं लगातीं कि मेरी ग़ैर-विषमलैंगिकतावादी यौनिकता ने उन्हें कभी परेशान नहीं किया।
ज जब मैं अपनी माँ और चेची के अनुभवों के बारे में एक इंटरसेक्शनल यानी अंतर्विभागीय नारीवादी नज़रिए से लिख रही हूँ, तो मैं यह सोचती रह जाती हूँ कि उनके शारीरिक और भावनात्मक श्रम का भुगतान कौन करेगा।
The larger question is, who gets to bring all of themselves to the workplace, and who is either not allowed, or feels scared, or is bullied for doing so?
It is evident that the workplace is not just a site for economic production but also a space where bodies are shaped, controlled, and violated.
काम और यौनिकता? इस तरह से देखें तो यह आपकी पूरी ज़िंदगी है।
Sexuality is fluid, embodying my emotions, and their expression, thereby creating an aspect of my identity central to me.
Just this month, Godrej DEI Lab has launched a video, Pride @Godrej to celebrate Pride as a year-round commitment to…
Queering is not about being queer but about doing queer – about going beyond binaries of gender and sexuality, questioning accepted perspectives, and challenging and upending normative ways of being in the world.
I remember realising that ‘gender’ was a construct when I was 9 or so, that it wasn’t real. I was…
The most satisfying spiritual and sexual experiences I’ve had were not in my twenties, thirties or even forties. They have been in my 50’s. The most insightful spiritual insights, and the most orgasmic orgasms have both arrived in middle age.
If you’ve got a body, in which you’re going to negotiate this life, you have to know how it works.
Sexuality makes me think of an erotic adventure. Something that helps us be alive to the world around us, and to life around us.
This month’s offering of articles, poems and fiction is an eclectic mix that (mostly) reflects what was borne out of the pandemic, and its impact on sexuality, intimacy, relationships, and more.