male gaze
Journey from Stigma to Pleasure
For a long time, female bodies were considered similar to male bodies, just shorter, and most research and medical trials focused primarily on the male body with the assumption that the same would work on the female body.
By Pooja Singh and Ramneek Banga
August 14, 2020
Review: What Does Clothing Have to do with Sexuality in the Media?
There’s always another way of presenting a look, attire, accessories and bodies; of presenting the way we feel about ourselves and our sexuality, of presenting an acceptance of diversity.
By Shikha Aleya
Male Gaze? What About Some Disco Balls?
I recently attended a talk titled ‘Streeshakti’ at the Jaipur Literature Festival. One of the speakers Lata Sharma, a Rajasthani…
March 1, 2015