Partition stories
बंटवारे की कहानियाँ : जब मेरी दादी ग़ालिब को सरहद पार ले आयीं
गुमशुदा घरों से जुडी कहानियाँ आज दुनिया के कोने-कोने में मिलती हैं, लेकिन फिर भी देखा गया है कि लोग…
By Surbhi Dewan
Partition Stories: The Time My Grandmother Carried Ghalib Across the Border
When rumours of the Partition spread, many families began leaving their homes and moving out. How the Hindus and Sikhs behaved there (in what was to be India), Muslims did the same things here (in what was to be Pakistan). They would say, ‘Let’s go loot!’
By Surbhi Dewan