A lot of written, available material on sexuality is often either too clinical or too sensational for most of us, making it difficult to get the desired information easily. To address this gap, TARSHI has produced a number of publications and guides – for children and young people, parents, educators, trainers and facilitators – that are easy to understand and use. Access our working papers and reports on issues ranging from sexuality education in India to disability and sexuality to human rights and helpline models. Nearly all individuals face stress and this is compounded for those of us doing ‘people work’. Prolonged stress could lead to burnout. Self-care Essentials features ways to approach self-care and collective care, and resources to help all, especially those in people work, manage stress and prevent burnout. ‘Is masturbation wrong?’ ‘Can I get pregnant if I kiss a man?’ ‘What makes someone gay?’ ‘Is sexuality education about teaching children sex?’ Myths, misconceptions and confusion around sexuality, SRHR and CSE abound even as social media and online platforms offer many (and sometimes confusing) answers. Find answers to common questions on sexuality and CSE here यौनिकता के विषय पर लिखी-पढ़ी जाने वाली ज़्यादातर सामग्री अंग्रेज़ी में होती है जिसकी पहुँच कुछ ही पाठकों तक सीमित रह जाती है। हमलोगों के लिए जेन्डर, यौनिकता एवं काउन्सलिंग कौशल के पहलुओं को अधिक सुलभ बनाने के लिए, प्रकाशन विकसित करते हैं। हिंदी में जानकारी के स्त्रोत के रूप में, वेबसाइट के कुछ बातें हमारी तुम्हारी पृष्ठ पर हमने युवा एवं वयस्क लोगों द्वारा, विभिन्न मंचों पर तारशी से पूछे गए अनेकों प्रश्नों और मिथकों में से कुछ के उत्तर देने का प्रयास किया है। COVID-19 has had and continues to have an unprecedented, unpredictable impact on people’s lives, including their SRHR. This page compiles resources developed by organisations working on gender, SRHR, disability, LGBTQIA+ issues, to amplify awareness and knowledge on the impact of COVID-19 impact on SRHR. Access information on helplines and organisations from around India working on sexuality, SRH, gender-based violence, issues faced by people who are queer, mental health, HIV and AIDS, and more.