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Malaysia – International Planned Parenthood Federation

International Planned Parenthood Federation, Malaysia works with a member organisation called ‘The Federation of Reproductive Health Associations of Malaysia (FRHAM)’, which is one of the three main implementing agencies involved in Malaysia’s national family planning programme. It delivers a broad range of services through a sophisticated and extensive network of 39 permanent clinics, 356 mobile facilities and 205 community-based distributors/community-based services (CBDs/CBSs). Services include sexual and reproductive health (SRH) consultation assistance and prescribing, contraceptive advice and fertility management, and the promotion of women’s independence through economic/work-based initiatives.

RRAAM: Reproductive Rights Advocacy Alliance Malaysia

RRRAM was formed on February 2nd, 2007 by twelve organisations and individuals committed to increase awareness of and access to these rights among women, health providers, NGOs, policy makers, the media and the public through the strategies of information, education and evidence based advocacy. They acknowledge that women’s well being, health and empowerment improves by accessing these rights.

Sisters in Islam

SIS is a group formed in 1988 of Muslim women committed to promoting the rights of women within the framework of Islam. Their efforts to promote the rights of Muslim women are based on the principles of equality, justice and freedom enjoined by the Qur’an as made evident during the study of the holy text. Their work includes offering legal services, public education, research and advocacy.

The Asian-Pacific Resource & Research Centre for Women (ARROW)

ARROW is a regional non-government organisation committed to promoting and protecting women’s health rights and needs, particularly in the area of women’s sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They produce a triannual bulletin called ARROWs For Change which aims to provide clear women and rights perspectives on key current women’s health, sexuality and SRHR issues. One of the latest issues, Vol. 13 No. 2, is on Affirming Sexuality [English], [Chinese], [Thai].