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Likhaan, Quezon City

Likhaan, housed the University of The Philippines, was founded in recognition of the important role of literature in the development of the nation. Its twofold aim is to stimulate writers from all parts of the Philippines to create and contribute to national cultural development and to assert the leadership of the University of the Philippines in Creative Writing. To achieve this, Likhaan hosts a National Writer’s Workshop, awards several National Fellowships, and develops and disseminates publications.

Network of Asia Pacific Youth (NAPY) (Quezon City) Promotes the sexual and reproductive health and rights of Asia-Pacific youth.

NAPY believes that empowerment of young women is a necessary requirement for social, economic, political and cultural development. NAPY is the only youth network in the region that has prioritised the 12 critical areas of concern outlined in the Beijing Declaration and Platform of Action as its own priority concerns. NAPY uses the gender, rights-based and intersectionality-of-issues frameworks, in its analysis of young people’s concerns and problems. NAPY believes that empowerment of young women is a necessary requirement for social, economic, political and cultural development. Advocacy for youth issues and concerns should therefore be seen as integral to the over-all advocacy for women’s empowerment and development.

The Health Action Information Network (HAIN), Manila

Involved in health education and research, it mainly works with community-based organisations involved in health and development, with emphasis on reproductive health (including prevention of HIV and AIDS, STDs and other reproductive tract infections); environmental health, and the appropriate use of medicines. HAIN also houses publications and a resource centre.