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Sri Lanka

Center for Womens Research, Colombo

A Sri Lankan organisation promoting and conducting research, training, lobbying, advocacy and monitoring in women’s human rights issues. The Center is a member of the Sri Lanka Women’s NGO Forum and houses information about the forum on this site.

FPA Sri Lanka

The Family Planning Association of Sri Lanka (FPA Sri Lanka) is a volunteer-based organisation that commenced operations in 1953. FPA Sri Lanka is an accredited member of the International Planned Parenthood Federation. FPA Sri Lanka aims towards creating spaces to ensure that all persons – including with vulnerable groups – will have equitable access to sexual and reproductive health services and information without any discrimination, restrictive laws, policies or practices.

The Women and Media Collective

The Women and Media Collective is a women’s organisation which aims to bring about change based on feminist principles for a society free from violence and militarisation, which would pave the way for a balanced representation of women in decision-making and governance, and advocate for non-discriminatory laws and policies. The mandate of the Women and Media Collective is to lobby for the recognition of women’s rights and concerns in legal and policy reform, include gender concerns in the peace process, increase representation of women in politics, create a space for positive representation of women’s concerns in the media and adopt a rights based and gender sensitive approach to tsunami recovery and rebuilding.