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Friend Exchange

Friend Exchange is a bimonthly AIDS awareness magazine for gay men in China, a country in which such information is scarce. This magazine is the only publication in China written for the gay community and serves as a ‘primer for gay men on how to avoid AIDS.’ There is no formal website for this magazine, but a web search will provide more information.

Institute for Tongzhi Studies, New York

The Institute for Tongzhi Studies (ITS) is an academic research and exchange program based in the City University of New York led by Chinese speaking educators and researchers. As a joint project run by the Center for Women and Society and the Center for Lesbian and Gay Studies, the Institute for Tongzhi Studies aspires to encourage discussions related to issues of gender, sexuality, and sexual health. ITS seeks to scrutinize layers of discriminating social attitudes, cultural assumptions, and public policies against sexual minorities in Chinese communities around the world. Through education, research, and exchange, ITS coordinates with institutions with shared values in order to build a body of scholarly works to further the study of gender and sexuality in Chinese societies.