In Plainspeak
Our magazine, In Plainspeak was published as a part of The South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre. As the name of the publication suggests, In Plainspeak talked about basic as well as complicated and even contentious issues of sexuality and rights in simple (but not simplistic) language, in the hope that this will increase dialogue and debate on these issues in the South and Southeast Asia region.
It was aimed at facilitating a critical dialogue amongst activists, health professionals, students, academics, researchers and anyone interested in issues of sexuality in the region. Because sexuality encompasses a wide spectrum of issues, In Plainspeak included writing and images on a range of topics from a sexuality-affirming and feminist perspective. The magazine appeared in print from 2005 to 2009. It has now been reincarnated in digital format in the form of an eMagazine.
Issue 2, 2009

Issue 1, 2009

Issue 3, 2008

Issue 2, 2008

Issue 1, 2008

Issue 4, 2007

Issue 3, 2007

Issue 2, 2007

Issue 1, 2007

Issue 4, 2006

Issue 3, 2006

Issue 2, 2006

Issue 1, 2006

Issue 1, 2005