For Trainers and Facilitators

A Guidance Note for Organisational Intervention
Stress management and burnout prevention for those working on issues of gender and sexuality in India Guidance Note | 2020 | TARSHI and Nazariya| Free DownloadIn 2018 and 2019, going forward from previous interventions on stress and burnout, TARSHI collaborated with Nazariya: A Queer Feminist Resource Group to conduct needs assessment workshops to identify the self-care and burnout prevention needs of human rights activists, caseworkers, and community members who work on gender, sexuality and rights. Our Guidance Note for Organisational Intervention (2020) is a user-friendly document based on this earlier work. It aims to provide a quick context and understanding of stress and burnout related issues faced by human rights activists and service providers working on issues of gender and sexuality. This note prepares organisations, collectives and individuals for preliminary reflection and discussion on the pertinence of addressing stress and burnout in their spaces. It gives a direction for initiating assessment of the current status in the organisation/collective, and identifies key points of process, such as team member participation, necessary for planning and implementing organisational intervention in this area.

Integrated Counselling
Training Manual on Integrated Counselling: Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights for All Training Manual | 2014 | IPPF SARO | TARSHI| Free DownloadThis Training Manual was developed by TARSHI in partnership with IPPF SARO to strengthen the capacity of counsellors and service providers. The Manual was conceptualised, drafted, and reviewed over a two-year period from 2012 to early 2014, which included feedback from a field test during a Regional Training of Trainers (TOT) workshop on Integrated Counselling Skills in 2013. Integrated counselling has emerged as an important area with the introduction of IPPF’s Integrated Package of Essential Services (IPES) aimed at meeting the most pressing SRH needs of people. Organisations working on SRH issues in South Asia region as well as globally will find this manual useful in the capacity building of counsellors to take forward the SRH agenda.

Basics and Beyond
Integrating Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive, Health and Rights - A Manual for Trainers Training Manual | 2006 | TARSHI| Rs. 1100 | Order hereBasics and Beyond has over 75 exercises comprising more than 70 hours of training time, and is a valuable resource on sexuality, sexual health, reproductive health and rights for individual trainers as well as organisations. Because Basics and Beyond contains a substantial number of handouts, it can also be used as a mini-compendium of basic facts about sexuality, sexual health, reproductive health and rights.
Rs.1100/- (Hardcopy), Rs. 650/- (CD)

Good Helpline Practice: Guidelines
A Guide for Planning, Implementation and Evaluation of a Good Quality Telephone Helpline Book | 2003 | TARSHIThis is a guide for planning, implementation and evaluation of a good quality telephone helpline. It includes chapters on principles of counselling, establishing a service, taking a call, preventing burnout and other issues critical to maintaining a high quality helpline service.
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Common Ground
Principles for Working on Sexuality Booklet | 2000 | TARSHIThis booklet articulates common ground on sexuality, sexual health and sexual rights by integrating multiple perspectives from different fields. It is a guide to inform programme formulation, implementation and evaluation for those working in the field of sexuality, gender, rights and related issues. It is available in English and Hindi.
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