Reports & Papers

A Needs Assessment
Stress management and burnout prevention for case workers and human rights activists working on issues of gender and sexuality in India Report | 2019 | TARSHI and Nazariya | Free DownloadThis report documents learnings from three needs assessment workshops focusing on stress management and burnout prevention, organised collaboratively by TARSHI and Nazariya in 2018, in Delhi and Guwahati and in 2019 at Hyderabad. In addition to a brief section on stress, burnout and a section that explores the Indian context for social work and human rights activism, this report concludes that while some aspects of stress are common across contexts, there are unique stressors emerging from differences in socio-cultural and political environments and the intersectional nature of stress. This has significant implications for the prevention and management of stress; these unique stressors require to be identified and addressed in a variety of ways, appropriate to the context and open to creative, out-of-the-box thinking.

What Makes Sexuality Education Comprehensive?
Exploring the Indian Context Working Paper | 2019 | TARSHI| Free DownloadThis paper documents the evolving nature and status of Sexuality Education (SE) in India. It examines how SE is currently understood, to what extent current SE programmes in India are comprehensive, and includes an analysis of what is currently (at the time of researching and writing the paper), the main governmental SE programme in the country, the Adolescence Education Programme. It ends with recommendations to consider towards adopting a comprehensive approach to SE for adolescents and young people.

Sexuality and Disability
Sexuality and Disability in the Indian Context Working Paper | 2018 | TARSHI| Free DownloadThis paper is an update of the original 2010 working paper and includes additional voices, initiatives and findings, including significant changes in the territory of law and policy, along with some observations and interpretations from rights advocates and activists. This is a useful resource for persons with disabilities, families, care providers, researchers, reporters, cross-sector collaborators, planners and policy makers, and others interested in rights issues, gender justice and equality.

15 Years of TARSHI
Some Highlights Report | 2011 | TARSHI| Free DownloadFrom a small project that started as a telephone helpline, TARSHI has grown into a resource on issues of sexuality and rights. Released on our 15th anniversary, this report highlights TARSHI’s story, its journey and milestones alongside the changing and evolving socio-political scenario. It’s been an exciting and challenging journey - one that is far from over!

Affirming Sexuality
Discussions on Key Themes and Strategies for Those Working in the Field of Sexuality Report | 2008 | TARSHI| Free DownloadIn June 2007, the South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre, hosted by TARSHI, convened a Regional Consultation on Affirming Sexuality to look at the ways in which sexuality is and can be affirmed in this region and to suggest potential action and strategies. The consultation brought together 30 participants from 11 countries, from a range of backgrounds, including activists, advocates, reproductive health service providers, lawyers and journalists with expertise on different sexuality issues in the South and Southeast Asia region. This report summarises discussions on key themes and strategies for those working in the field of sexuality.

Sustainability of Helplines
images/Sustainblity_Helpline.jpg Report | 2008 | TARSHI| Free DownloadTARSHI convened the third National Meeting of Helplines in New Delhi in September 2008 to address concerns related to helpline sustainability with representatives from 25 organisations that run helplines in different parts of the country. Participating helplines addressed a diverse range of issues such as sexuality, child rights, women in crisis situations, mental health, suicide prevention, disability, HIV and AIDS, and de-addiction related concerns. This publication is a report of the meeting and talks about successful strategies adopted by helplines, provides information for those planning to set up new helplines and offers ideas to those struggling with ongoing sustainability issues so that others may learn from those who have walked this road before.

A Review of the TARSHI Helpline
images/publications_image/tarshi_helpline.gif Report | 2008 | Renu Khanna | TARSHI and KIT| Free Download
The TARSHI Helpline was the subject of a study that was part of a larger study commissioned by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and implemented by The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Netherlands. Entitled Assessing the Conditions and Quality of Counselling Related to Sexuality and Sexual Health in Uganda, Kenya, Brazil and India, the study comprises of descriptive reviews of four programmes providing counselling that specifically addresses sexuality related issues.

Talking About Sexuality
A Report of Preliminary Findings from the TARSHI Helpline Report | 2007 | TARSHI| Free DownloadThe TARSHI Helpline was set up in 1996 to provide information, counselling and referrals on sexuality and sexual and reproductive health and rights to people so that they could make informed choices. The helpline responded to over 60,000 calls. This report presents the results of a preliminary analysis of 43,888 calls documented between 1996 and 2007.

Sexuality Matters
A Consultation Report Report | 2007 | TARSHI| Free DownloadSexuality Matters is the report of the consultation held in September 2004 at Bali, Indonesia by The South and Southeast Asia Resource Centre, hosted by TARSHI. It brought together 26 participants from 10 countries to discuss key issues around sexuality in the region. Participants were drawn from a diverse range of backgrounds, including activists, advocates, donors, reproductive health service providers, lawyers and journalists.

Sexual Rights In India
A Conversation on Sexual Rights In India Report | 2005 | CREA, Sangama | TARSHI| Rs. 250 | Order hereA Conversation on Sexual Rights in India is a report of a meeting organised by CREA, Sangama and TARSHI in January 2004. The meeting provided an opportunity to build clarity on concepts and ideas, create linkages, strengthen alliances, and dialogue through differences without privileging one position over another. This discussion is critical to the advancement of sexual rights. This report is a record of a conversation on sexual rights, containing diverse voices, views and opinions.

Sexuality, Gender and Rights
Exploring Theory and Practice in South and Southeast Asia Book | 2005 | Geetanjali Misra and Radhika Chandiramani | CREA and TARSHI| Rs. 350 | Order hereThis volume analyses and documents the groundbreaking work done by many organisations to bring issues of sexuality and rights to public attention, to expand the freedoms of women and sexual minorities and to highlight the unfair distinctions faced by those not conforming to gender and sexual norms across a range of expressions, behaviours and identities in Asia.
This volume with 15 original essays covers eight countries in South and Southeast Asia. The contributors address issues of power and social hierarchies by using the principles of justice, equality, non-discrimination and access to rights and services. They cover diverse issues like sexual rights, sexuality education, sexual health services, transsexuals and other sexual minorities, HIV and AIDS prevention, as well as sex work and the representation of sexuality in popular culture. They also offer a variety of strategies in advocacy, service delivery, education, training and media outreach activities.
To order a copy, contact us (details at end of page).

HIV and AIDS Counselling
Four case studies of telephone hotline/helpline projects Report | 2002 | UNAIDS | Best Practice Collection| Free DownloadTARSHI was one of the four programmes from across the globe that were chosen to illustrate the Best Practice criteria for helplines. Together, the four programmes illustrated the principles that make helplines so successful in providing HIV and AIDS information and counselling, the challenges helplines face, and the creative approaches that can be taken to meet those challenges. Read about TARSHI’s helpline practices in this downloadable report.

Sexuality and Sexual Behaviour
A Critical Review of Selected Studies (1990 – 2000) Critical Review | 2000 | Radhika Chandiramani, Shagufa Kapadia, Renu Khanna and Geetanjali Misra | CREA| Free DownloadThis review maps a decade of research in India on sexuality and sexual behaviour. It is part of a larger project, The Gender and Reproductive Health Research Initiative: Mapping a Decade of Reproductive Health (1990 - 2000), by the Gender and Reproductive Health Research Group in India.