Sexuality Education

The Red Book
What You Want to Know About Yourself Book | 2015 | TARSHI| Rs. 300 | Order hereThe Red Book is a handy, helpful resource for 10-14 year-olds; with stories, illustrations, and exercises, it speaks to young people easily, guiding them through all the changes they are experiencing.
You can download the old edition of The Red Book (the original one) here free of cost, though we must remind you that it is a bit dated - it was written in 1999 after all! Available in English and Hindi.

The Blue Book
What You Want to Know About Yourself Book | 2013 | TARSHI | Zubaan| Rs. 395 | Order hereThe new and updated Blue Book is for those who are 15 years of age or older. It is a must-have book for any teenager setting out on the exciting, challenging and sometimes confusing journey towards adulthood.
You can download the old edition of The Blue Book (the original one) here free of cost, though we must remind you that it is a bit dated - it was written in 1999 after all! Available in English and Hindi.

The Yellow Book
A Parent’s Guide to Sexuality Education Book | 2010 | TARSHI | Zubaan| Rs. 395 | Order hereFull of tips and tools, information and advice, this no-nonsense, straightforward guide will help adults speak about sexuality in the best way possible. The Yellow Book is specifically for parents, teachers and anyone who wants to start a conversation on sexuality with young people.

The Orange Book
A Teachers’ Workbook on Sexuality Workbook | 2010 | TARSHI| Rs. 300 | Order hereTeachers often find it difficult to become sexuality educators with little preparation or scope to explore their own doubts and feelings about gender, sex, sexuality. The Orange Book is a workbook for teachers with 28 exercises aimed at helping them provide comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) with confidence and ease. Available in English and Hindi.

Good Times for Everyone
Sexuality Questions, Feminist Answers Book | 2008 | RadhikaChandiramani | Women Unlimited| Rs. 200 | Order hereThis anthology is an invaluable compilation of questions and answers on most commonly experienced sexuality-related concerns. Based on the author’s popular column, ‘Midlife Crisis’ in The Asian Age, it covers all ages, situations and conditions, and believes firmly that everyone has a right to self-affirming and enjoyable sexuality.

From our Online Word's Worth Series Booklet | 2019 | TARSHI| Rs. 20 | Order here
Words carry weight because they reflect and create attitudes. Our language can unintentionally hurt and exclude people. Fundas is a pocket-sized booklet on with a short list of words and phrases that are more accurate and affirming than some others. This has been adapted from our online series Word’s Worth! For more, please visit www.facebook.com/tarshingo

About Sexuality and Relationships Audio Book (DVD) | 2010 | TARSHI| Rs. 100 | Order hereTARSHI Talks is a ‘talking book’ with reliable and accurate information on sexuality and relationships.
As there is nothing to read and no pages to turn (only a DVD to pop into the computer), people with visual and print disabilities can easily use it. Mirchi Cares, the CSR wing of Radio Mirchi has recorded the content developed by TARSHI on a pro bono basis for this audio book.