What We Do
Trainings and Workshops
TARSHI conducts trainings, both announced and on request on counselling skills, gender, sexuality and rights related issues, tailor-made to suit the needs of organizations and individuals working in the field. We also conduct training of trainers, sessions for teachers and workshops on Burnout Prevention.
eLearning Courses
The eLearning course is a virtual platform that aims to address gaps in accurate information caused by a lack of sexuality-related subjects in curricula of professional courses like teacher-training, social work, counselling, psychology, etc.
Public Education
We conduct various public education activities independently and in partnership with other NGOs to create a broader public understanding about women’s rights, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence through public events, publications, social media, campaigns, sessions in schools and colleges, and our blog In Plainspeak. We frequently put up stalls at public events to bring our work to a larger audience and help initiate conversations on gender and sexuality related issues.
SISA Spaces
We are working on guidelines that organisations (including NGOs and corporate spaces) and educational institutions (schools and colleges) can use to make their spaces SISA. These guidelines will focus specifically on issues relating to disability, people who are LGBTQIA+, mental health (focusing on stress management and burnout prevention) and anti-discrimination
Stress Management and Burnout Prevention
We recognise self-care as an oft-neglected but vitally important feminist issue and facilitate trainings, workshops and public education activities on stress management and burnout prevention, especially for human rights defenders.
Resources on SRHR and COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has had unprecedented impact on all aspects of people’s lives, including on their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). This page is an attempt to curate resources that delve into the impact of COVID-19 on SRHR, with a focus on sexuality and SRHR, gender, self-care and wellbeing, marginalised communities. The resources are primarily from India, although we have also included resources that reflect global or Global South concerns.
Awareness & Outreach
We take part in campaigns and provide advocacy support to other organizations and as part of networks and coalitions that work towards a common goal of achieving and ensuring human rights for all. We also actively work on the issue of Comprehensive Sexuality Education.