Letter from Editor - Radhika Chandiramani

As we come to the end of a year, most of us engage in some form of reflection on what has gone by. Well, so did we at In Plainspeak.

This year we brought you four exciting issues of In Plainspeakthat spoke about different topics in sexuality and covered different countries in the region. But there is much that we had to leave out simply because we did not know enough. We are hoping that in the coming years we will be able to extend our range of coverage of articles from more countries in the region. For this, dear readers, we need your suggestions on what you  would like to read about. And, of course, your contributions. So do write to us at resourcecentre@tarshi.net

On reflection, we also realised that we were limiting your contributions by only taking visual material in the Brushstrokes section. So, from now onwards, we are converting Brushstrokes into a more inclusive section called Art Space in which we will also accept poetry and short fiction in addition to visual material. This will hopefully stimulate new ways of thinking about sexuality and also allow for an interplay of ideas in ways that do not happen through more ‘prosaic’ writing. Send in your poems and short writings! 

As 2007 is ending, we wish all of you a wonderful 2008. Stay well. Stay safe. Stay happy.

Radhika Chandiramani