Sexuality Weblinks

Sexual Abuse


1in6 is a US-based organisation for men who have survived sexual abuse and assault. Their site hasFAQs, stories from survivors, a myth-and-fact section, resources for family and friends and more. They also have online support groups for men who have survived childhood sexual abuse and sexual assault as adults. Additionally, survivors can sign up for a one-on-one online chat with a trained advocate.


Arpan is a Mumbai-based NGO working on the issue of Child Sexual Abuse in India. It provides prevention and intervention services to children and adults, as well as psychotherapeutic support to adolescent and adult survivors in shelter homes. The “Resources” section provides reading material for children and adolescents and caregivers.


Enfold is a Bangalore-based organisation that works for “child safety and gender empowerment” through their programs on Child Sexual Abuse (CSA) prevention and rehabilitation. They also conduct sessions for adults, parents, schools, colleges, corporates and other organisations on how to keep children safe and healthy.

Recovering and Healing from Incest (RAHI) Foundation

RAHI is a Delhi-based organisation and describes itself as “a safe space and support centre for women who have survived incest and abuse.” They provide therapy, support groups and more. The website has links to information about sexual abuse and incest as well as further resources. The site also has survivor stories information about their ongoing programmes and events.

The Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN)

RAINN is a US-based anti-sexual assault organisation and carries out programmes to prevent sexual assault, help survivors and “ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice”. Inside, you'll find statistics, counselling resources, prevention tips, news and more. The “Steps You Can Take After Sexual Assault” link provides valuable information about sexual assault. The FAQ section has information about their hotline model and how it works.

TULIR – Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse

TULIR is a Chennai-based organisation committed to working against child sexual abuse in India. The website has information on their publications and a bank of online resources which include frequently asked questions, posters, flyers, audiobooks and other suggested weblinks on information on and other organisations working against child sexual abuse.

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