Women Can't Wait
In November 2001, TARSHI collaborated with CREA, for the Delhi staging of 'Women Can’t Wait', written and performed by Sarah Jones and directed by Gloria Feliciano, at various venues in Delhi, like the Hindu College, Lady Sri Ram College, Habitat World Auditorium and the Amphitheatre at India Habitat Centre.
'Women Can’t Wait' is a creative work commissioned by Equality Now as part of its international campaign against discriminatory laws against women. Written and performed by Sarah Jones, the play presented women from France, India, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, the United States and Uruguay as they prepared to address governments at the United Nations during the Special Session in June 2000.
In the play, each woman tells a personal story of living under laws that permit abuses such as marital rape, female genital mutilation and 'honour killing'. The performance brought to life the impact of discriminatory laws on the daily lives of women and girls around the world. The play is a powerful statement on human rights violations against women and the need for government and international accountability.